just noticed :~>

i have been looking in my "Recent Journals: View All"
pretty laugh on my first journals here
so in this journal, give your oldest journal :>

and how can i search the first journal here @ crossfire ^_^

i want to see if back in the old days ppl wrote +1, 1st etc
u cant see comments
none replied to you there :'(
Sat 2 Dec 06, 00:40

Rest got wiped.

my first journal was a whine-journal about aurea


weird, cuz aurea were nice guys
» No recent journals.
Wed 2 Nov 05, 04:30
actually i had journal ID = 1

but they deleted it cuz we spammed in it

btw fyi:
this journal historiy is from october 06 until today

the older database from 04 got deleted or smth, dno
hahaha check this one out :D


Hi etcommun1t1 (1 comment)
Posted by potti on Sunday 11th December 2005, 05:10


sebji on 21/08/07, 22:30:52
well posting my very first would be to embarrassing :x

so i give you this (it aint even funny but who cares):

hey theodor gtfo xD hehe u missing me right :p hahaha no more time for you anymooooooooooooore omg omg shame on me xD
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