
ok, so im gonna throw out every fucking mirror in my house after watching this film :< genuinely creepy horror, first in a long time tbh. watch it..... just dont try and catch your reflection watching you in the mirror as you walk away....
fu, i have to keep waiting till someone leaves bio cause of you, last time it took me 10 min
awww your face finally got to you :(
Cmon rip open you're mouth, you can do it
youve seen it then? ohhhhh wtf. :<:<:<
i seen the trailer, looked pretty creepy:P
watch it jonny :O
i might pee my pants gary
you just might.....

ive got a huge mirror in my downstairs hall, opposite the toilet, i pee'd UPSTAIRS tonight jonathan :<
whahaha, its gettin downloaded tonight:P
come on we all know he doesn't have a bladder
i was gonna download a film, so i went to imdb and checked this new release called "Mirrors" as soon as i read the 1st line, i closed everything.
yea also just watched it, decent movie
it looks good but rotten tomatoes only gave it 15% ;s
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