dvd burning help pleaseee

downloaded a dvd it's .mkv format - how do i burn it to DVD so I can watch it in my dvd play0r? I've done some random google research and it's come up with some stuff about how I need to convert the .mkv file to .dvd or something :S which is LONGGG but is that what I actually have to do?

I'm using Nero 8

Thanks in advance
x to dvd

and nero + nero express? than use nero express and create a new dvd-movie

which one do I use mate? and do I only have to add the .mkv and then just burn it?
the third one and than open the mkv an put it to the timelist..and than nnext..next and so on..

nero will decode and encode the video (its taking time!)

Edit// pro reply-skillz :X
doesn't work, says some files aren't compatable =/
no nero vision? :/
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