cfg shite
21 Sep 2008, 02:16
Used sheeps config a while back, then i changed to some randoms for a few months and had no problems loading ET/maps etc.. was fairly quick, but when i switched back to Sheeps config, maps and ET take fucking ages to load now despite the "randoms" config had higher detail/better graphics etc..
any commands that i could change to stop it taking forever to connect?
any commands that i could change to stop it taking forever to connect?
try to seperate it into more cfgs and connect them with "load cfg1" whateva
dnno command
+ its fucking late so i have not rly a clue what to do
/exec sheep
just a dumb guess
connect the server
check etpro/cvarblablabla.cfg or smth and change what it tells you in your cfg
com_hunkmegs 128
(ppl shouldn't use a higher value, ET does not even need more than that :p)