r_finish ?

What is this command ?

I read "Wait every frame" so its like syncro vertical ?
seta r_finish "0"
Case closed.
seta r_finish "1"
Case opened.
seta r_finish "0/1"
case closed / case opened, yo
its vsync :)
Yes. So 0 is an obvious choice. :&)
Yes. Vsync does almost nothing (except eat your fps :x )
Oh yes its better on a CRT screen is you have 75 hz and 125 fps you can see horizontal crop
no it sux
if i have it on 0 my mouse lags
No , not vsync , something else

vsync is sth like r_swapinterval
mm... i think you are right in here.. i cant rly remember.. but yeah...
I cant play wihout vsync

i m fps 100 resfreh 100 swapintern 1 and then r_finish 1
its smooth than never, i dont know why no one play with vsync
Because the frame you see is possibly not the actual game-frame you are in.
it doesnt make a sence if u see the actual or the next picture because 1 of 100 wrong puctures in 1 sec dont change much but make a game smoother.
because if u play with tft and u have only 60 or 75 hz refreshrate, u cant do vsync on, because u will get a "swimming" mouse.
its NOT vsync

QuoteLag is also possible offline when the game/map is coded badly and the hardware is unable to keep up. This is one of the purposes for the "r_finish" command (nothing to do with vsync) in Quake3 based games. On slower computers, if you set the details to maximum, there are instances where you move the mouse and there is a significant delay of half a second or more before the cursor/crosshair starts moving. This is particularly bad in MoHAA when looking at certain angles of the map. However, the problem is alleviated when turning down the details to low, setting "r_finish" to 1 (cuts the framerate significantly to let the hardware 'catch up'), or upgrading to a significantly better card.
So, is it better to play with r_finish 1 or 2 ? :D Summary pls!

if you experience input lag (mouse/keyboard), set it to 1
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