Gamers Vista

Is there something compareable to gamers XP for Vista?

thx in advance

a alternative for gulli.board would be also nice since it was my only ddl site :c
it's called xp
vista needs more resources [2gb+ ram]
2gb are enough for mp-games like cod4 or similiar
100fps stable with medium settings, with irc+vent/ts+xfire+hlsw
make on urself with vLite
woot, nice! :o
the only one who understand actually the topic. D:

thx but I found smth similar allready^^

its a tweaked version first steps are in german but its a mutli language iso ^^
vista is better vs xp if you have a good PC

2core CPU
2GB Ram ; 4GB ram for directX 10
Good Graphic card with directx 10 support
even on my rig it runs better than xp - and it has zhe looks
wrong (also, both xp and vista default themes suck from both aesthetics and function, can't compare them)
Not wrong , fucking retard
huh, im pretty sure I used vista way before you and pretty much anyone else on this site, I've tweaked it so hard it lost half of its functionality

i know what it is capable of and what it is not, and that is beating XP

it just can't, the core just isn't powerful enough to beat xp

cold hard fact
Rofl , that's why everything runs faster for me on vista than on a fully tweaked xp

Seriously , if you lost that much functionality then you did something horribly wrong
No, I removed that functionality because IT IS FUCKING USELESS AND I DONT NEED IT like most bloat inside vista.

Even tweaked to the point where networking wouldn't work properly, XP still outperformed Vista.

Hell don't even hear it from me, google "xp vs vista" and take a look around, for example:

QuoteWe are disappointed that CPU-intensive applications such as video transcoding with XviD (DVD to XviD MPEG4) or the MainConcept H.264 Encoder performed 18% to nearly 24% slower in our standard benchmark scenarios. Both benchmarks finished much quicker under Windows XP. There aren't newer versions available, and we don't see immediate solutions to this issue.

The speed you talk of is just the illusion of speed through features such as indexing.

It's hilarious that how Vista, which is supposed to be an improvement, is actually more bloated and requires better hardware, whereas with linux, each new release seems to be running on lesser hardware and cutting down on bloat.

For any poweruser, XP will remain the windows OS of choice for quite some time

For your average internet browsing tool, Vista will probably be the standard.

Not that I give a shit, I know I'm right and so I'll continue to use the better OS, it's not my loss.
That's because they're too used to xp that they can't use their fucking brains to think what might be the real cause

I disabled indexing

I get higher framerates in ET on vista than on XP

On my rig , at the very least , vista outperforms XP
I love the way you want to tell him that vista looks shit, like your bs taste is the one of every human in this world. :DD
im talking about function mainly as opposed to aesthetics

the whole point of a user interface is function, function should always be above looks

both aero and windows classic are pretty failed in regard to function
So if hes talkin about the look you just talk about something completly different ( the functionality) to say he is wrong? Really sad if you need to prove yourself that you are the hero on the internet. : <
Nerd ? I knew it.
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