deathadder sens

Lately when ive been playing ET, half way through the game my sens feels like its droping down about 0.2 ingame...

Even though im not changing any thing ingame i thought maybe it should be the deathadder software.

Does anyone else get this problem?

if i tell you to buy mx518, will you hate me? :~<
you don't have to say it for that to happen :P
that happens to me when i lagg i lagg then my sens goes slow (drops down)

ur comp sucks m8

my computer is fine :]
then mine sucks :<
but seriusly that happens to me when i lagg
idk.. get a new mouse :|
remove the [X] where it says: automatically lower sens ingame
"your sensitivity is lagging"
ask Hungaryvaradi
dunno, i deleted driver and dont have any probs
got the same but sens feels higher, solve it plx
maybe you have binds in your configz (O:
Got the same :o
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