Fallout quotes

With Fallout 3 coming out in about a month I decided to play 1&2 a bit after a long time which lowered my expectations another notch. They already said its going to be like Oblivion with guns, but what they should've said was: its going to be like fallout 1&2 but without the stuff that made them good. But dont worry, the graphics are great, we decided to do it in 1st person mode, because thats the only acceptable way to play a role playing game. The hand-to-hand combat characters might be suffering a bit thanks to the really great REALTIME gameplay, but we added a miniature nuke launching gun in to make up for that (seeing that there is a lot of pure uranium floating around after a nuclear war :s). Hardcore fans have a problem with that? Naaah fuck them. Mainstream FTW!

Now with all seriousness i still hope the game will be a nonlinear diverse game with lots of fun side quest which affect the aftermath. Allowing the player to finish in a with any type of weapon, diplomacy, sneaking etc. And that it includes cynical comments, easter eggs, special encounters, culture references and the rest of the funny shit 1&2 included. Like this:

image: q0
image: q1
image: q2
image: q3
image: q4
image: q5

Vault Dweller: How did you survive?
Harold: Didn't. Got killed. God I love that joke!

Harold: Mutants. They were everywhere. Seems you couldn't fart without hitting one. They were coming Mostly from the Northwest, though.
Vault Dweller: You farted Northwest?

Vault Dweller: You mean kill them?
Decker: All a matter of semantics, but yes kill them.

Gizmo: Get your butt in here and sit down. We have some buisness to discuss
Vault Dweller: Looks like there's enough butt in here already...

Father Lasher: How dare you enter my sanctuary with a weapon in your hand! Oaf! Get out!
Vault Dweller: You don't like drawn weapons? You're gonna hate what I do with it next!

Harry: Hey! You not look like ghoul. How come?
Vault Dweller: Let me guess... because I'm not a ghoul?
Harry: You not ghoul! I knew, I knew! Not fool Harry!
Vault Dweller: You're right. And now that you know, I'll have to kill you.

Flower Child: Would you like a flower mister?
Vault Dweller: Sure, I could get off on stomping it to pieces!

The Lieutenant: Now what do we have here? I've been told you wish to divulge information of the utmost importance. I do hope so.
Vault Dweller: On one condition.
The Lieutenant: Conditions? How delightful. Go ahead, amuse me with your . . . condition.
Vault Dweller: Put a bag over your head so I can stand being in your presence.
Give screenshots of the new game ;[
the combat movement is so shit in fallout 2! you have 7 steps to take each round. -,- and the horrible thing on it that if you have 50% small handgun aim skill,you can't really hit in enemy from 4 meters (made me yell WTF) and wtf was this thing,i got some level 2 bodyarmor and i didn't get hit from enemys anymore?? i could just go in the middle of town and kill everybody without losing any health. -,-

i am sure that fallout 3 is much more enjoyable,well atleast there is a radio where you can listen to american march music while shooting headies. :))

was the release date in 30.9 or 30.10?

its 28.10.
oh boy! :) i don't have any patience to wait tbh! :)) but i hope i can play it more than day without losing interest to it.
how u dare to speak bad of fallout!
well those movement points are just so gay. :) and the idea of that you can kill an enemy faster by kicking him into face than shooting the shit out of him is a bit funny. :P
its actually true, martial artist can kill u pressing one point on your body :]
ye knew that but i was talking about kicking into head and shooting with a pump gun. :)
eh... old good times =)

u missed the best joke of fo series, when marcus is saying about juice flowing again :D
Somehow this makes me think of Rtcw 2 >:/
hope the graphics are better
I was referring to the text, actually. If you replace fallout 3 with rtcw2 it's almost spot on :D
Agree... Fallout 1+2 are really awesome, I found that the combat could be tedious at times, but these games have so much to offer.
Have you played Arcane or what ever its called? its similar to Fallout 1/2 :p I kinda like the game also ! Its more with guns etc.
Nah I haven't, I might try it sometime.
I tried fallout 2 but i kinda stopped playing it after a while. I think i got to Vault City, Reno etc. Besides, the game was totally bugged, it doesnt run on a decent pc these days, luckily i found some unofficial patch which seemed to help a lot.

Anyway, i did enjoy the game up to some level but I really couldnt be arsed to do this and that so i could get item x so i could finaly get to place y etc. Storyline was ok, but I hate the endless conversations you have to click trough :/ If the game had the text narrated it was really nice, to bad I met like 4-5 chars who actually spoke instead of throwing endless lines of text at you :'(

mmm, maybe i should pick up the game again :P Was making a sniper, dunno if i still got the savegame lying around :)
Yeah the game really needs to be patched before you start playing it, or else all sorts of stupid crap can happen. The reading didnt bother me, but I guess voice acting would make it more enjoyable. Its far from perfect, but its one of the best games I've played.
if F3 would be just a reworked version of F2 - I would be more than happy.
Seeing Bethesda developers telling everyone they loved and enjoyed playing F1&2 and at the same time developing F3 as FPS shooter is just sad.
If the game is solid in other areas such as the storyline and character interaction then it should be a pretty good game despite this, although I am actually expecting it to fail hard.
I really liked Fallout 1 and 2, and I also loved Oblivion... so maybe the 3rd part might even fit for me. However i'd love to see a new game in the style of Fallout Tactics or Jagged Alliance 2
jagged alliance 3 is being made for some time now and should be released shortly (i'd say in around 6 months)
yeah, JA3 is circulating for some years now, but I doubt it will reach the class of its predecessors. Has almost always been like this with games which are sent from one developer studio to the next. As far as I know the original crew is not on board anymore
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