its early but...

top10 of 2008:

1. Elle Milano - Laughing All The Way To The Plank (2:52)
2. Blood Red Shoes - I Wish I Was Someone Better (3:47)
3. The Automatic - Steve McQueen (3:42)
4. The Dandy Warhols - Now You Love Me (3:08)
5. Louis XIV - Air Traffic Control (3:53)
6. Late of the Pier - Mad Dogs And Englishmen (3:13)
7. Black Kids - Partie Traumatic (3:10)
8. British Sea Power - Waving Flags (4:07)
9. What Made Milwaukee Famous - Sultan (2:46)
10. The Rascals - Out Of Dreams (3:10)

top3 of most disappointing albums:

1. Bloc Party - Intimacy (2008)
fucking shit - only 1 good song what remember me to their old style.

2. The Verve - Forth (2008)
well... its just not enough from them its all.

3. Of Montreal - Skeletal Lamping (2008)
after "hissing fauna..." its shit.

Its a mix from alt.rock/indie/electronica songs...
Stop searching, In Flames is REALLY not on my list.
thats the kind of journal i missed in the past <3

also the metallica album was really disappointing
youtube links plz (I know, I'm lazy)
i m lazy too so just the first 5 :P
mmm, I don't really know the songs and they kinda suck too, wasn't there anything better this year
well it s his opinion not the taste of all ...
1. Editors - Bones
What I enjoyed the most from 2008 is definitely Crystal Castles.
Didn't realise they finally have their album out. Listening to it atm and liking a real lot.
I'm fucking digging Zombie Zombie.
i kissed a girl
and i liked it
saw blood red shoes live, was nice
Cool list and most definately agree on the new bloc album :( even though their album is shit, sex on fire should be in there.

Dig Out Your Soul - Oasis?
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