..almost 400 cheaters at CB

After an outstanding job that Killerboy and before him Bulld0g (+ many other cheatbusters) done we already have right now 400 cheaters busted in CB.

What surprise should we have for the No.500 lucky busted player?

-a free ticket to CC5
-a 500 euro award(for still trying to cheat after so many bans)
-a second hand touthbrush
-a high-speed kettle
-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle figure of Donatello (is the Purple one -The brilliant scientist, inventor etc.)

What, what what?
hit from the banhammer?
-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle figure of Donatello (is the Purple one -The brilliant scientist, inventor etc.)
actually there are 670 click me

(you forgot to click expired bans)
true...but we can keep the surprise then for the No.1000 ;)
swift kick in the ass
Free hax from nC.
I still rofl at the guys who say that only 10% of the community cheats. If 600 something are only the busted ones, I would come to a figure of around 40-60%.
they are not only from this community, you really think every CB players knows what CF is? or even ever heard about CF?, besides, many got alot of fake accounts, hi2u junky n stuff
whos talking about CF? im talking about the ET community btw.
The ET scene... is way bigger then ~1400 players.. even CF has around 500 people online a day..
I think ET has about 10.000 players being active atm. Maybe even more.
-a 500 euro award(for still trying to cheat after so many bans)

If this is the prize i will download some hack and wait it out. Im serious, try me biatch.
looks like i hate cheaters too much
-a free ticket to CC5
-a 500 euro award(for still trying to cheat after so many bans)
-a second hand touthbrush
-a high-speed kettle
-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle figure of Donatello (is the Purple one -The brilliant scientist, inventor etc.)

- etBot
CoD has more cheater :))
nice cheating support!
u should always support ppl with disabilities image: disable
10years ban would be great
TMNT fo sho!
maybe a big asskick?
The Mutant Ninja Turtle figure of Donnatello shoved up his ass would be a nice reward!!
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