PB S04E05

rly good episode !

what's your opinion ?
stopped after season 1
antipro pls :d
watch out for my fist u fucking shit mongol! im gonna put a romantic explosion on ur belly!
looks like u r bored @ school mrs.mr ...
already had some argues with some hippies today -.- so fucking annoying
in case you did not know.. YOU ARE THE HIPPIE!
in case you did not know.. YOU ARE THE HIPPIE!
in case you did not know.. YOU ARE THE HIPPIE!
link for download please
downloading.. I think this season is very forced, I wont cancel because I still want to follow what will happen.
Who cares, Heroes and How I Met Your Mother started their new seasons yesterday.

Still going to watch PB, but not so keen to it.
punk buster has its own tv show? interesting
watched heroes new ep
gief n1 torrent or rapidshare plox
Stopped after season 3 ep 2
I am still only halfway through S2 of PB, I don't get time to watch it much at home :(

I wont watch Heroes until it's on DVD probably.

Looking forward to 24 S7 in January, I believe the bridging episode from 6 to 7 is on in November.
This is getting so boring ... I dno what happened but it's just getting way too repetitive. Supernatural >>>>>> Pb
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