annoying fps prob

search didnt work for me so:

i can about one round and then starts f**** annoying fps lag. Fps drops to 0-4 and i can play with 125 for 3 seconds and then starts lagging. Et has before worked well. I havent modified anything. And for example css works well with 100 fps. What can cause this? And rebooting et helps for one round and then et starts lagging.

i have formatted and i got dualcore, it worked well before xd

any solution to this?
are all your cvars in your autoexec or in different files ?
osta uus kone
its called pb. And it will keep like that until we remove pb forever!
got same
remove all custom .pk3 files that you don't need, remove all cvar backup files, defragment your harddrive, backup your etkey + config and reinstall et, tweak your gfx card settings... those could help.
Du är en klok person! :)
Your PC is shit.
and? [FIN] siis mitä vittua, miksi vitussa tulet mainitsemaan siitä jokaiseen kommenttiin mikä mulla on?

edit: eikö susta oo noloo, et sulla on parempi kone ja oot paskempi pelaaja.

QuoteMitä mä oon väittäny? Ja miks haukut mua?? :( Ja sul on kyl liikaa vapaa-aikaa ku alkoi tämmönen spämmi

aika tyhmää kysyä miksi haukun sua, ku sulta tulee noin vitun järkevää kommenttia mulle.

ps. katos mun uuden koneen osat profiilistani [/FIN]
ota kellotukset pois, tai vähennä
"I havent modified anything."
just stay in 'legal' limits and its okay!
Scan your PC with antivir / Combofix
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