server crashing hacks =[

Okay so I just got off these skillfakers and I kick them cause it was pissing me off, but it didn't let me kick him (I had ref) then it appears they crashed to server. =\

Is there anyway to prevent this?
Not the first time it's happened. Everybody hates psyche.
sry estonian wonder
the server hates u aswell
damn straight.
I'm not estonian :[
you could try punching youreself in the face till you passed out, it might not work, but we'd all love to see the video.
seen some ppl crash our server as well, dunno how they exactly do it though
on adler they usually do it.
You think I dont know this already ?
you are a genius
Yeah, I get that a lot.
not.. its just a command which works on all maps
I knew that, but I didnt want to tell you all that I know it.
Now I feel fooled :<
It was my evil plan
Please spare me from more of your evilness :'<
The command has been out for years, and posted a number of times on CF :P
update your server and install the lua ws fix
i have the lua fixes installed and still our server gets crashed about twice a week
It's my evil twin doing it, I keep telling him to stop but he just refuses to listen! Sorry :(
pwned XD

happened to me playing in a friend's server, and we didnt even kick them, we just didnt answer to their taunts of them being so good and my team so bad, so we left after scrim and they crashed the server and reset the server cfg :P
happened to my clans server too (RASKL) (and sometimes, some other kids also) mostly on adler.
that's why adler should be removed from all mappools imo
thats bs, dersaidin made a fix for this but ofc its also not allowed by the CB configs + the command to crash the server still works, with the currently allowed (by cb configs again) combinedfixes.lua :p
that's lol ~_~
why do they put a map in their pool, which they don't support with fixes to avoid crashes?
well, it doesn't exactly matter. If it is an official and the server gets crashed on Adler it's a clear thing: def loss + penalty points.
why should clanbase care about random scrims? Simply refuse to play Adler versus unknowns.
just update your server corectly and np
Well YCN found that the Lua fix doesn't always work so we coded our own crash fix using QMM which works very well. If you want more information about it /q me at irc "YCN`Starzi" and il tell you a bit more about it and how it works. I'd love to do it now but i am at work sorry. Have a good day everyone
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