random college drunken journal

ok, school year starts once again, as starts the parties, yesterday we get absolutely hammered at one of pragues biggest club with other 500 students (escpecially girls in first year:)) we get back at about 5 o clock. well i drunk bottle of rum myself, having a classic hangover, nothin special, but another party is coming up today at college. so another bottle of rum to be bought and drunk, another hangover to suffer. not to mention birthday party tommorow at my friends room, so make it two bottles and two hangovers...:-/ wish me luck

how about your parties?

random pic:
image: teamwork
i walked for 7 hours to get back from a party coz none of the taxis would take us --'
haha kenn ich :D
U serious? That must've been awful :DD
nah it was really good
Make it 4-5 bottles and just one hangover. Better start now, otherwise you will suffer today too.
yep, i know its better not to stop drinkin for more than 6 hours or so, but i am alone at room for hole day plain online poker and i kinda cant drink alone, and i have no money for 5 bottles anyway:)
I m broke for the rest of the week after yesterday
I havent been drunk in almost one month now :) Im proud of myself :>
You shouldn't be really.
You actually just degraded yourself to the gayest fintard I've ever seen.
you're cool man
so/so night last night, freshers week at our uni so the clubs were packed. Drinks for a £1 though but my mate was sick on my shoes haha =x
You're cool
amphe > alc
I havent been drunk in almost one month now :) Im proud of myself :>
Congratulations, admitting you're an alcoholic is the first step to become sober.
Ah, student parties, gotta love em.. Well I was @ piratecruise/party last thursday and this thursday is another "cruise" to Denmark with sleepover there until saturday, then bday party in Oslo @ saturday... Gonna be rough 3 days, cant wait until sunday :D
we had a nice "pub crawling" party last week .... walked from pub to pub and in the end we finished the night in the room of my roommate with a small private party ... every1 was drunken beside me :< just drunk ginger ale and coke the whole day
hopefully saturday with vodka.
tbh i've been drunk every fecking week for almost a month now nd im geting tired ;< my gf is 2 much of an drinker and i just want 2 chill @ home watchin tv nd having sex ;<
I havent been drunk in almost one month now :( it's fucking killing me
i'm predicting a pretty rough friday for me :>
yesterday i went to the presentation of the new Adobe CS4 in Ghent.

free BBQ and free champagne, followed by free beers (all you can eat and drink basicly).

so i got wasted with some of my mates and even some teachers and random people.

afterwards we ended up in some random bar (we = me, friend, 2 teachers and 3 random people).

bad hangover today D:
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