Vent problemsss

So I installed new windows update and I cant talk in vent anymore. WTF?

Edit: I cant talk but I can hear.
maybe something is blocking ur vent... have no clue
only in vent?does it work in ts?if yes,reinstall vent,drivers,check vent settings...
use push to talk, have the same problem.
windows net settings / firewall conflict probably

some of the latest updates on windows changed the way it handles net traffic so people were loosing net access with zone alarm and so on...

using a software firewall? update it
using windows firewalls? kill it!
I cant talk but I hear what people talks..
up and down traffic use different protocols

if you turn on key sounds in vent options do you hear the beep when youre using K2S?
can you hear your mic in windows sound config thing?
do you have a firewall?
no keysounds
and does voice activation broadcast?

using vent 3?

image: ventsetupvo5

I have push to talk but doesnt work.
run as administrator
Did you install your soundcards driver ?
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