graphic cards

My current one is broken therefore Iam in need of a decent replacement. Since Iam still using AGP I want to switch to PCIe. I just read that a SLI or Crossfire technologie isnt that good since it needs much CPU power and ET isnt graphic related anyways. So I'd like to get a decent gcard for 200 € max and some good mainboard for arround 60€. :c

Any suggestions?
4850 super OC
best bang for the buck card would be the 8800gt .
3 months ago.

Now HD4850 and HD4870 best bang for the buck.
no 8800gt is still a good bit cheaper so it is stilll best bang for buck.
and slower....
i sell geforce 2 mx very good very stable fps all maps 5 euros, cash only, pm here.
Quotegr HellHammer Wednesday, 24th September 2008 13:21
k3rv3r0s is viewing the demos as we speak (2nd opinion). btw tell your buddy allir that he played better than gnajda on his demo (with autoswitch and all). and also btw: is there anyone in your clan who HASNT been on pbbans?

wtf is this shit
thats the link to my demo's which i uploaded to you , yes
dont worry mate, all cheaters will end up on pbbans anyway. if the demo isnt seen as proof, i have faith and patience.
i know i will <3
Soz, but i really fail to see where he is more obvious then gnajda.
wow you saw it already?
you dont even have to see it, to know the truth :[
I watched the "suspicious" moment of where he should "snatch" to some1s head
how can you see the demo in 2 mins since its been posted?
i already gave it to him yesterday, sorry
I already got the demo yesterday when i talked to Sylvester
lol dont worry hellhammer, domi is allir's "cool" fanboy. allirs just a little prick mate, busted boefore, busted again im sure, only a matter of time.....
Im his fanboy, oh its just getting funnier and funnier every day :D and busted again, ah i forgot your pot's fanboy arent you? the guy who cant handle getting wiped by others.
your a cheater yourself thats why your not able to see it, cu@pbbans
ATI HD Raedon 4850 / 70
New mb => new video card & proc & RAM. You should tell us first what proc you have and if you want to upgrade to DDR2.

LE: I saw your CPU in the description. That should be socket 939 if I'm not mistaken. You must find a mobo that has DDR, socket 939 and has PCIx. I don't think there are many on the market today. I suggest upgrading to a computer based on Intel Core 2 Duo.
etbot is eating fps ?
Am I that obvious? :<
didnt you quit ET anyways ?
Idd but the graphiccard is completly broken and I need a replacement. :D
play some QLive its fun ... just sad that u dont even reach lowskill =(
you're gonna need a new pc tbf
3 Ghz Dual and 2 GB ram are more than enough for every game out there.
not at all

and its AGP you say?
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