GF presents

Ive ran out of original birthday presents for my girl, dont wanne spent too much money on it (because we allready went on vacation for a week, which was pretty expensive)

you guys got any nice ideas? if i dont come up with any nice ideas within 2 weeks, imma gonne buy her, her favourite parfume:)

image: ArmaniEmporioFemmeRemix

this one is her favo, and smells heavenly;p
Dunno the female remix parfume, but I know the homme one is good!

If they make city glam for female I'd rather trust in that!

Or black code ^^
Mine had her birthday last week and her bike was falling apart, so I made her a new one. Got some broken one, painted it, did some graphics on it with tape, fixed it, bought some locks and stuff on it and gave it to her. She liked it a lot, now she doesn´t have to be embarrased about it nor be afraid that it falls apart while driving.

Make sure the gift is something she needs so she will remember it instead of just putting it to some closet.
rofl, dont have enough time for that;p i bet she was happy with that;p
It took me like 5-6 hours, mostly sanding out the old paint and waiting that the paint dries before another layer. So it really doesn´t take that much time.
ye but, she allready has amor amor;p its not empty;p it smells nice idd! you sexy, how have you been btw? long time
i don't really like Amor Amor.

it's too 'heavy'
i just came back from shopping and bought a birthdaypresent for my girl.
i bought here that watch:
image: 4185706
was not that expensive, 85 euros
perhaps i m looking for another small present :)
That bitch ! 8(!

Where's my watch Oliver ?!
:O, just got one for my girlfriend a few days ago! She said everyone in her class had one so I got her one 8)
i also need a present...ffs...she has birthday on monday...damn i have different probs atm -_-
:D! gl with that;p youll come up with something;p
well i got some "fun-presents" like a shirt and a thing where u can give water to the flowers..dunno how its called..ill write some stuff on it and put the shirt / other presents in it...but i still need smth more personal and typical for a idea tbh :D
AHAh :) I know this Problem ^^
whats wrong with a dildo?
get her a new headset
what else did you gave her allready?
not really, if a team comes along, ill play ET again, but not atm:)

My girlfriend has two of those. I know the silver bracelet is 50 euro's here in the Netherlands and the charms are between 10 euro's till XXX euro's. I gave my girlfriend a bracelet plus two of those charms and I give one of those once in a while. It's quite handy for other people too who don't know what to give her. They aren't that expensive and my girl loves it.

Though, if she only likes gold then it might by expensive :P
I don't really like the idea of giving "stuff" . I made a song for my girl and she loved it. Can't imagine any better present than something you give straight from your heart, by your own hands :-)
bake her a pie
As unromantic as it may appear, you could simply ask her if she needs or wants anything. Spending money for the sake of spending money and giving a present is pointless.

Here's an idea. Since you've already been on holiday. Why not take some of the photos you (hopefully) took, get someone who is good with 'Photoshop and get them to make an A4 collage of you two together (using multiple photos) and then print it off on proper photography paper. Then frame and wrap it.

When she comes to opening it, you explain why you picked the photos and remind her of the great time you'd together on holiday. You're giving her something that no one can give - your time and love. Anyone can buy her perfume or lingerie etc. It's the thought behind a present which counts!
not bad mate
That is liek exactly my thoughts. Thumb up for you sir.
a new toothbrush!
Take her for a meal, cinema, drinkz, take her home and ride her silly, shes likes it.
get her a happy meal
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