When your day never quite gets started

What to do?

This moring I overslept and failed to sho )w up at any lectures. Got up at 12, thought that well at least now I can work on my exphil paper(wether morale is relative or absolute, discuss according to the Sophists, Socrates and Platon), but I ended up browsing ze interwebs and doing random stuff instead, and not even now, 7 hours later all I've managed to do is to open the document.

How was your day?

Random pic (related):
image: august_08_2_25
Bitch, suck my 12 inch!
not nice to keep on saying this to the internetz people
nice pic lol
shitty, some new random pics/gifs plz ~~
i ve written my physicexam at school ( failed hard ) and then i had 2 hours math...understood everything today :> finally...

and now im going to a meeting with my mathcourse at zeh baaar :D
Mathgeeking at a bar sounds fun :D
just came back :>

but earlier cuz i was bored after singing like 10 times the row at singstar ^^

but np... 9740 points :D
That's why you need 'dicipline' and 'character'
Almost the same, but I showed up at the university. Instead of me, the professor did not show up, so lol, I went there for nothing... also I watched a movie I had for a long time. I don't know why didn't watch it before, because it was awesome, perfect acting from Jodie Foster...ahh the movie was http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0476964/]The Brave One!
It's relative from a human perspective, absolute in the definition of itself.
Yeah.. Now make that sentence 2000 words long :)
First you have to pay for the first sentence... Actually you'll have to pay for what you are reading right now, this is consulting.
That sounds like something a Sophist would say
was a rly good day today :D
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