mobile phone language problem

So my father returned from Iran today and he bought a new mobile phone for me over there. It's the KF510 by LG.
The problem: when writing a message it's using an English dictionary for the t9 function, but obviously I would like to have a German dictionary. Is there any way to update t9? The LG page seems pretty unusable and either returns me errors or tells me there's no data when searching for software.
lets hack the handy
nice engrish
There's nothing wrong with his English.
you can say handy instead of mobile ?
It makes no difference to the sentence being correct or not. If that's what you're asking.
i meant "handy" :P
Americans say cellphone. English say mobile phone. Some Europeans say handy. None of them are wrong.
well since german is a specific german term it does make a difference, because most people wont understand it
but nvm, i just wanted to distinguish myself 8D
"handy" is not a correct english word for mobile/cell phone.
Pussy "is not a correct english word" for vagina, either. It doesn't stop people using it, does it?
pussy is a correct word :-p
Handy is also in the dictionary!
as noun? pr00fs
Read my reply to RazZaH. Form and function missy!

handy. Unabridged (v 1.1). Random House, Inc. (accessed: September 25, 2008).

I'm not sure why it's actually defined as a noun there, but it's. Handiness is a noun as well, but I doubt you'd ever use it as a noun.
The point is, it's more important how you use a word rather than what kind of word it's classed as (even more so since a lot of words fall into more than one category). You can ask your teacher if you don't want to believe me!
pls make it more complicated than it is, either you know what I mean or you are totally retarded atm
it's used, but not defined as a fucking mobile phone anywhere, kthxbye
Of course I know what you mean. But, the dictionary is just a book of words. Not using a word in a certain way because the dictionary says so (or doesn't in this case) is just plain silly. Why do you think dictionaries are updated constantly?
i learned in school that it has to be mobile phone or cellphone...
cuz handy means "nützlich"


adjuvant adj.
advantageous adj.
beneficial adj.
expedient adj.
helpful adj.
profitably adv.
salutary adj.
serviceable adj.
serviceably adv.
useful adj.
valuable adj.
of avail
Handy in your sense is a describing word. But, it can also be used as a noun. It's called form and function. This is why I used the 'pussy' example.

You can call someone a pussy.
You can have a pussy (cat).
You can tap that pussy (vagina).

Notice how tap has changed its function to become a verb? Function isn't as important as form. Not using a word because of its word class is just silly and limits what you can do. Everyone is taught that adjectives are describing words and you use them in certain ways.

Razzah is a smelly Turk.

(Pre-modification of the noun). But, as you learn language at much higher levels, most people try to stop you using any adjectives or adverbs at all. So you're left with clear expression, essentially.

Garden wall. Both nouns. Yet, 'garden' is functioning as an adjective would.
didnt like ur examples
'The cold bit the soldiers lips.'

Cold is an adjective. In this example it's used as the subject of the sentence.
well i better should've said "denglisch" but i meant handy ;)
np kameradenschwein
Settings or keep the volume button in and you'll get a menu.
I know I can change the T9 language, however the only languages available on the phone are English, French, Persian, Arab and something that appears to be Russian. No German.
I guess the phone is build in Iran for the Middle East / North African market.
Euhmm yes.
Can't you download other languages? Nokia has it maybe LG as well.
I just came across an lg page just for their mobile phones (and it works!). They have software for firmware updates there. Might try updating with a German firmware after I managed to install the drivers.
just bring it to a mobile shop ( u know a second hand mobile shop or something ) and ask for a software update...
Might be worth a try.
QuoteSo my father returned from Iran today

wtf pls?
what did he do there?
Visit relatives.
he was zeh vicitim of anal banging there
Check for uranium.
Lg is owned by phillips, maybe they got something?
you cannot use the dictionary
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