Yawn.be Dead?

Has yawn finally died or just crashing all the time?

Did read somewhere they were having problems.
Yawn is dead and buried =/
That must have been what i read.

Shame really was a really helpful site - would be good to know why it died tho
tomorrow is up again, or not lol
the site said they were going down possibly forever, unless anybody was willing to sponsor them.
how much money do they need?
its up & down every 2 days ?
today it was working
people have died in the name of yawn today.
yawn is bigtime crap lately couse its always down or megaslow... to bad tho couse its quite handy
is it ever alive?

everytime i want to use it, it's down
The program Yawn worked this afternoon
It was up yesterday and day before, TosspoT pm'd them saying he is willing to host yawn so I don't think it will disappear forever.
he should integrate it with xfire, so that only players with accounts older than 2months (or old pbguids) can play on these servers

"what, you don't have an old pbguid? NO GO FOR YOU ON THIS SERVER!!!!! .. NO GO AT ALL!!!"

gogo, make it happen!
how would a crossfire/yawn integration affect servers?
I gotta believe just by the way Yawn was always so slow it's gotta be heavy query load.
killerboy was talking about limiting players on ET servers, so my reply was also talking about et servers.

i have no idea if yawn is hard on a web server as it used to be fine, might have just been yawn's specific setup
oh ok gotcha :)
only players with that yellow /!\ (which represents a crossfire member) can join Crossfire Servers for example, i hate playing vs randoms or 3 day guid wonder kids.
ya that would be a pretty nice feature
well then just make servers use the crossfire lua script that used to be used on the crossfire server :P
yeah have you got that, will save me some effort : D
nope, isn't anywhere on the server and was never involved with the gaming server when it was up. ronner should tho
we should donate some € for them
nothing new, always goes down or slow as molasseses
omg without yawn killerboy is nothing anymore? :o)
crashing all the time =X
Crossfire has offered to host Yawn
Crossfire.nu - Head Admin
GamesTV.org - Head Admin
Quadv - Gaming commentator
Yawn.be - Head Admin
Was the hosting the only problem with it or others as well. Nice if you can help them with space etc.

Nice one. Should be able to find out whos just pwned me again now :)
boozze stopped paying for a dedicated server so they dropped hosting yawn
Go for it, atleast the pub players (yeah yeah suckers) can atleast check people out.
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