Write in your journal VERSiON TWO

Okay, I'm at home and no shop are open. I want a cigarette, but have none :( What can i do?


EDIT: Found a cigarette stub in my wardrobe from da weed smokin' days :DD so had like 2 pulls, buh need more. I'm sinking to new lows tonite :D
Roll a pure joint
You smoke ?£?!"£!3/12£?£?!£?3

walk on down to me and i'll give you a burn mayteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
i wish i could, id get lost and end up getting raped in stoke :(
thank god we have 24h shops here in fin :) i have felt the same,you should go to sleep (after wank ofc,gives you sweet dreams) and buy em tomorrow.
have u ever smoked ur asshairs ?
no, but i'm willing to try :D
holy shit,stop drinking,thats the most retarded idea i've ever heard
u didnt hear much ideas then
lucky strike :S
don't tease me mate :'(
i would rather stop smoking before sucking lucky strikes. :D
I would smoke anything atm :'( even roll ups!
iam smoking atm just for you!
can you just blow some of the smoke towards england please, id appreciate it >8D
thats harsh :D
lucky strike pwnz u
best strong cigs: lucky reds
best lights: camel light
best in joints: camel light

lucky red have the best flavour imhoe ;<
had a drunkken situation like this recently, ended up rolling a joint sized cigarette of tea which was too shit for even my drunken self to smoke.
go to shops or call taxi to drive you to shops or go to sleep and then go shops tomorrow :)
Go on the streets and sponge someone off.
There are like gasstations in holland wich are like open 24/7 just to point it out you know.
Or a nightshop dunno where you live but there a few round rotterdam.

HELL your probably sleeping now anyways gonna do the same in a min.
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