Movie 'review'

Finished watching Youth without youth (2007). Really interesting movie to be honest, if a little weird. The plot is really disjointed and hard to follow. And, a lot of the interesting stuff would be considered 'dull' to anyone not interested in academic or philosophic ideas. It definitely appealed to me though.

Germany / Romania Alexandra Maria Lara stars, and is simply gorgeous! It makes me wonder why German culture is so introverted since you've a lot of good actors and make some decent movies (even the ones I've watched in German)!

image: youth_without_youth_movie_image_tim_roth_and_alexandra_maria_lara__3_

Also watched American Gangster and Bourne Ultimatum last night. Both much better than I expected. Going to watch The Assassination of Jesse James' when I get back.
Yeah the bourne ultimatum was nice indeed. American Gangster wasn't bad either abit to long perhaps and I hoped for some sort of different ending then the way it ended. And your movie looks abit to emo 4 me

Ment to watch that jesse james movie aswell but i keep forgeting to DL it :/
i advice you to watch "never back down"

this is a true honor movie !
yes hottie
tarantino is doing a new movie with some yerman actors
blabla TITTIES
Coppola back after 10 years!; not interested in this film though.
The assasination of Jesse James is the best out there
watch Waking Life
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