color test

Almost forgot I made this

I do not want comments about quality , AA , AF , music , syncing ,font , etc

Only about the colors

I know exactly what is wrong with the quality , etc and it's not the point of the movie

Right Click - Save As

It are just 2 scenes of a random merc night with some german players (including kito :PP)

At the same time ag0n posted his rar and I tried that vegas implantation

So tell me what you think about the colors :)
I forgot to mention that I ignore those with a membership below 3months at crossfire

Hi N1ckV,
3 years and 2 months here.
Colors still suck.
Sincerely yours, Grumly.
Yeah ,but you are french
Dear N1ckV,
I am now in Cuba, girls are nice and weather is fine.
Looking forward to reading your answer, Grumly.
You smell French
i like, dunno why :DDDDDDDD:D:dd;dDd
Were you unable to read and fully comprehend my previous reply to you ?

I don't care how long you have been playing ET as I myself have been playing for 4.5 years , so I still beat you there
dno, not very good i suppose + the font is ugly O_O
I knew I had forgotten something

Thanks , i'll add font in the 'not to mention' list :D
Maybe because I don't got the desire to go pro ?

I played more than half my ET time in pubs

I started playing competition for fun a while back

I play once a week or so at present time

It's not because I don' freak at it that I don't like or enjoy the game
I never said that , I said that I don't need critisism on the quality etc , because I already know what's wrong with that , since I just wanted a quick color test

now gtfo my journal
It's not racism , because french is not a race retard
no it isn't

A lot of people have played football their entire life

How many went pro ?

Very little percentage

So gtfo my journal
I write the way I want to write

You like to write like a retard , I like to write like a normal person

That's the way life goes , get used to it or kill yourself
lol ...

Did you or do you go to school ?

If not , then you really should give it a try
there aren't any cars driving around ?!??!?!
It's easier to read
Very mature , you must be a killer with the ladies
It's an expression , now please stop posting before a mod sees you and bans you , thanks
Very ugly. Same goes for font and quality.
I won't even bother to see what's under that +
Last Visitors
N1ckV Offline
Will you reply to every comment of mine ?

If so , this is going to take a while
Lol , do you think I care about dieing in a videogame with fast respawns ?

It's about having fun with people you know

Btw how old are you ?

Judging by your reactions and way of writing I'd say 13-14
why all guys like these oversharped filter????

Colors looking strange..but if U like them....fonts are not rly nice
Or haven't noticed you yet , if so I can easily adjust that
colours wouldn't be that bad if it wasn't for the awful fonts (why change from default? ive only seen like one movie where the changed font didnt look shit) and the terrible image quality

you have to remember that colours arent just an "effect", they highlight pace, mood, music - you choose the colours in order to create the effect you desire
Oh sorry about that , I meant girls of your age

Excluding any sisters , nieces , aunts , grandmothers and mothers
HAahahahah ::D:D:D 1-0 for Nick V
Colours looked pretty dull, can't explain it better. And that font was ugly.
that clip was just ugly.

everything about it is ugly.
what was so special bout the colors?

and ugly as hell
It isn't default colors ...

That shows how much you know about ET
man i ve seen all ur mistakes in moviemaking...
this one is again some clip that has nothing to do with good quality.
the colors are nothing special, not to say default.
this one is colorless, sorry i m not against u, i comment on what i see
Dude , so you'd like oversaturized movies more ?

Whatever you may think , this isn't default look , not even close
First impressions: Bad.

Try and sort out everything out on the list, then come back with a complete clip, colours dont look good, but they might be okay if you sort everything else out... WHO KNOWS?!
TBH, I quite liked it, I never seen a movie where it's erm... Crisp like that, I hate bright colours and stuff, the font could be changed.

The FPS seemed to be LOWWWW?? Change that and boom!!
You can see the person actually aim when it looks like that, in some movies the colors distract so much that it's hard to focus on the aiming, that's just me I guess but I think overall it looks pretty clean and realistic. Especially the flares don't look seem to blind you and you don't have these shiny walls etc which is nice. A different would be nice tho.
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