Important update from the Xfire fantasy league!

1 Team TosspoT Stuart Saw 71 289
Up 2 Turbo Luke Homer 58 286
Down 3 moomins_moo_again bob bob 44 285
Down 4 Blues 68 Dude McDude of the clan MCDude 63 283
= 5 The IT Crowd Mk II John Q Zoidberg 49 280
Up 6 Valhalla's Own Einherjar Ragnarok 64 273
Down 7 Gracie's Army Ross Gracie 41 272
Down 8 Pannes United Pierre Cerdan 58 270
Up 9 donexthedonut Oliver Cartmell 50 265
Down 10 FC Rantatie Kimmo Metsälä 30 260
Up 11 sise smrti s s 47 259
Up 12 Starting 11 Matthew Bristow 46 259
Down 13 The BlogsDollox Sam Tyas 40 256
Down 14 XRIO FC Floris xRio 38 255
Down 15 Legs 11 G3R Martin 42 255
Down 16 goonerboys Arick Hoffmann 41 255
= 17 The Special Bus Liam Wynne 40 251
Up 18 Minu libud Vaiko Vainola 74 246

That might not make too much sense as a paste, so to clarify - TosspoT 1st, Foonr 9th, Night 18th. Last in 57th is disk0 whoever that is

Full League Table
Down 50 LOOK ON HIS LANS Tim Terlingen 40 176

hacker :<
i never check this shit tho :d
Im doing absolutely shocking in my work telegraph league. :(
Serves u right for not joining this one
beggining of the season was just not a good time for me :=(

I missed out on the first week of points for my works, just not put in any effort. Christmas will be vital I think.
its bugged..i have the best team and im not between the 10's
in Vaiko Vainola we trust!
What's this about?
Gogo Kimmo Metsälä !!
me no understandos!
what the hell is this ?
wtf is that? :d
about as much fun as being stuck in a lift with you!!!!

FC Rantatie is going down :(

FU TOTTENHAM,I knew they suck but this much...
ok i made an major update to my team!!! im fuking going to be 1st now tosspot fear me
foonr will takeover ok?
I'll come to essex and we'll test that theory, oh wait they dont have any lifts in essex!!

(worst comeback ever?)
mediocre at best
i forgoted my infoz, im at 34 np
that was quality:P
that ones almost as old as his mum too!
too late to join now i guess :(
46. deval1ty United :(
But I own in I know the score!

i shall still catch you tosspot !! :D
I fucking suxx. Torres aint scoring anymore :<
image: hislanshn2
errr excuse me, what the fuck is that? o_O
Whats this? :o
Some football managing stuff or what^^
Up 20 AziMiZ GON WIN THIS Grant Gibson 57 239

Homer 2nd!
wat ????
45 Team Jamaica
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