The Perfect body

So is anyone coming close to this?

image: 2338202orig

You can also check some workout vids on y tube. This guy is so cut its just unbelievable.
What a dedication.

Any body-builders around here, I'm quite curious if anyone used the ''cheating''-way, or just name the supplements you taking.

Supplements that helped me are, Creatine and Weight gainer. Tell me your stack or discuss the picture above.

You can form your body the way you want to but it will take time a good diet and dedication.

Blog from his profile:

Ok, so the reason i’m posting this is because I recently saw a picture and thread of a bodybuilder who is a few weeks out from a pro bodybuilding contest.
This thread had over 3 pages of discussion on how amazing this guy looks - a total beast!
I looked at the pictures and simpy shook my head.
A guy with huge arms, huge chest, huge shoulders, huge lats, huge legs… And huge waist.. Oh.. but the waist is small compared to a lot of pro’s.. And that makes it absoultely fine!?

In my honest opinion, a champion bodybuilder is a guy who would not look out of place as a greek god statue. The kind of guy you’d look at and think he had perfect lines, perfect symmetry, strong as a bull, yet fast as a cat.

When I see most pro bodybuilders of today.. I think they look like they could eat mcdonalds dry, or would do well in a food eating contest, or play the role of a mutant in a horror movie.. Oh yeah, and could lift a lot of heavy stuff.

image: body_builder_21sfw

Symmetry, lines, small waists, and broad shoulders.
Clothed and every day life you’d think of someone like Frank Zane to bevery athletic and had nice shape. Posed up and shirtless, you’d think he was a god.

Some where down the line we have lost the ‘greek god’ like look and have adopted the ‘comic book’ over exaggerated style of physique.

seigen out
that dude isnt perfect ;o
sorry , but i'm more sexy then that guy
Ugly tbh :(
I agree, why the fuck would u want that much muscle?
need potential pics
the veins are fucking disgusting
you are just jealous because you dont have veins
ah ye true :p
indeed, removing those would really nice

i still got girlz so no need for those muscles =D
tbh girls don't like guys with tons of muscle...

niggers penis > muscles
:O I have heard from a bunch of girls that they cannot tolerate the pain associated with that :DDDDDD
that is plain bullshit so that they dont overcome to themselves and others as sluts.
This is ugly.
need alexL, but that legs are damn ugly.. rofl
I expect him to burst open any minute now. Disgusting
Sorry, I'm not into guys.
I'd rather my body to that shit :D
I don't use any supplements or anabolic steroids, just use various weights, running machines, press/sit ups and dumbbells
Just your average flatchest D: used to have a 6-pack though :(
1, he is not perfect, its awful
2, he is damaging his body
hes fuckin ugly
nice but 2 many veins
Hungary Nonix is also in a good shape i guess ?
Nonix :)
My body is the best
creatine, do u even know what that stuff is for?
ofcourse i know
a lot of people think they do, but actually they dont know shit
muscle metabolism :)
bodybuilding is for sissys like Eirik!
he's on the juice
are you proud =D?:D?
why not? :d
wooot? to thin? 1.75 m -> 65 kg :/
shud be like 175/78
i can eat what i want :( im always thin.
I'm 1.80m 77kg and too thin :(
where are your muscles?
haha first show a pic of ur own body!
not going to happen 8)
i can beat the shit out of him in 3 seconds
you can beat the shit out of everyone here :b
he's Israeli, ofc
i got rick rolled :<
girls don't like that shit.

having muscles is one thing, looking like a goddamn freak is another
the body build is close to perfect
he hasn't worked that much on chest and neck area

e: great biceps
Where are his traps?
no penis!
you wont get yourself in a good shape at gym but by eating =)
Im taking whey, glutamin, Bcaa, dextro after workout, no crea coz of very good natural water retention
Who uses creatine for the sake of water retention? It's what most people try to avoid...
i dont avoid, i just read it, and if i decide to take crea i will, np4me
just our of curiosity what's your 8 times dumbel press weight?
image: fabu&rize%20po%20bokamfabu does the same? :D
die huso its very old foto :p
i dont allow u to post my foto publix :D
who are you on that picture?
2nd from left
he's our teaboy on site fucking pussies
ps: Roney Coleman is big as hulk :D
most homo erotic thread ever.
blegh can't your remember perforators reign of gay terror among his fanboys?
i just take the supplements to make my dick smaller
thats awful
imo you just want to look at the big oily muscley men really
my cockveins > his veins
using anabolic steroids isn't very good for your health, so I don't really vouch for guys like that

I'm trying to keep myself in condition without any extra stuff
what protein do u use?
have u seen bigger stronger faster ?
I don't use supplements, a guy like me with no muscle is better off doing workouts not involving weights. Tbh, 57 kilos is enuf shit to be lugging around, why wud i want to add another 200 pounds to that when I can't even do 100 proper pushups? (but honestly I've done too many proper pushups and no chinups so nice triceps but failed biceps :DDD)
I did some competative weight lifting for awhile actually :). I doubled my strength within a month, and built up 4 stone of muscle :D. Now I lost cuz of ET and weed.
They are males, hence not perfect bodies.
first intelligent comment in this journal

im NOT doing bodybilding and im proud of it!
fcking growse (both)
"Viewing: Checking out mKs"

n1, looks like somebody is interested ;)
he linked his profile in this journal :o
I clicked your journal aswell didnt i? :p
no clue, did you? My journal doesn't record hits :/
com'n marvin this is looking shit tbh, his veins are popping out :D since when did you get so serious about this stuff that you started using those items anyway?
Neither are particularly impressive. While the first is at least somewhat normal, his body is purely for show.

image: Daniel%20Craig

Now that is an example of a good functional body.
I understand what you mean but it didn't make it sound any less homosexual. ;D
DAMN YOURE GAY... and so is this journal xD
the black guy as a fucking pussy 0o
yeah I thought black guys had dicks so long that when they are standing straight, their dick touches the ground :O
hey if u wanna b a wuss and take steroids np!
i knew a guy who used russian steroids (if i remember right the name was black widow) and he got huge acne problem+he got a lifetime diarrhea of it. so yes,just stick with porridge :)

another funny point of taking steroids is that yes,you get huge in a short time,but if you stop working your body you will lose those muscles as fast as it came.(:
You wont drop that much.
I've heard people say you drop about half but dno.

I've been working out for 3 years now and I can fairly say its hard work to get a great body without steroids.
Some girls like muscles but REAL girls don't give a shit.
some guys like tits but REAL guys don't give a shit.

OK n1 reasoning ^^
not heard of that one i use but tbh i dont think protein does shit, as long as your eating well, u shouldn't need it
no u think it does but if your all ready eating tuna and chicken and pasta in your diet then there's no need to spend £30+ on protein
SioN is comming close i think
Ronnie Coleman is a god! Daamm those good old days when he was so goddam ripped and BIG!! like in Mr.Olympia 2003..

I diasgree with people who say that its ugly when some guy has so huge muscles like those Pro bodybuilders..There are little bodybuilders too,as an example mens under 60kilos serie,they look like daam big but they weight only 60kg's! iI've watched competitions and i couldnt believe that they weight only that much,,but the explanation is that they arent so tall and they bodyfat is somewhere around 2 or 3%.

I think im competing myself maybe in 2011 or 2012 in cbb,classicbodybuilding
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