

Opinions please ! :D
You should change the font of the navigation bar, it's pretty ugly.

Try some simpler and thinner font :p

+ the logo could be better to be honest, looks quite cheap atm (pm me if you want me to make you a logo)
Slow, Don't like the logo and text/glossy banner on the top/the outer glow on the #titanz @ Quakenet sucks, Useless wall of shame section, the word Cuppages sound stupid, not a fan of the yellow text top left in the Matches section,Forgot pass ? <- lol @ dark text
Error console is throwing out heaps of warnings for me too :(
i dont wanna be an ass but i really dont like it a lot - its too dull!

menu SHOULD be nicer, banner SHOULD be more catchy, change the body background image from red/black...

and whats with comment.php?comment.news.3 - why the link is like that?
shit banner
whta is it ? thought it was a porn site but where is the porn :O
buy a template m8, thats not so serious. no offence.
haha wall of shame :D
i didnt get it :X
nothing special
dont like it
onions please





;:D::DDD: :D =D XD

:D ?

is gonna look shit in the future without my name :D

btw its not HellHamer

also, upload porn at downloads, and the site is superb

nice job Bryan :D
Done and Register ;)
your name still on it m8
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