late night journal

why not sleeping at this hour?dont u have school or job?i have an excuse,im on vacation.whats yours? :D
just seen some conclusions about tonight cl matches,and damn some of the were nice.
anyway,the real point of my journal is to ask u how u fight against hangover.eating something or taking 2 aspirins before going to sleep seems usually to work.How u guys try to fight hangover?or u like it,because it reminds u how fun last night was,that if u can remind anything from last night
caming with my gf :D
doing college work which is gona keep me up all night
you smexy mofos loszt?
It's only 0:50... Just finished watching a movie and doing my natural needs. Got to get up in 5 ish hours then after school I'm off to work! Hmm... I drink loads of water and eat a lot for fighting hangovers. I always end up forgetting what I did the last night xD.
holidays and nothing better to do atm
drink about 1litre of water before you go to sleep and eat a toast (without anything on it) it rly helps a lot
I finished my homeworks, now im going to sleep :D
(who cares?)
i do, cuz it means u got really easy homework, help me with mine! :S
you know sage francis?
No. Should I? (:
Awesome rapper :).
im on vacation
university .. need to get up tomorrow 14.00
got school but I dont care
no school.... no job....
i <3 u anyway!!
Cure for hangovers = more beer.

btw, im watching iron man atm =P
in ded middle off ded land, boks ouwe!
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