Fuck Europe

Hi Eurocunts!
This is a transantlantic message to all you Eurofags with your high gas prices and your faggot foreign policies. Learn to blow up some fucking countries man!

Nah seriously guys, I'm here in Leslie, Michigan right on an exchange trip, enjoying some Fast food, bigass trucks, sunday schools and profane friendlyness. I just wrote a massive mail to mz parents so I won't be writing much here. Just a few facts about my 4-day stay so far:
-like it
-ate more than Americans tend to do at Wendy's
-got thrown out of Canada
-went through Detroit but didn't see Eminem
-went to church on Sunday TWICE
-saw girl's volleyball and loved it

Bye for now, see ya all back in German peripheries :)
i got like 4 papercuts and my thumb is fucked
Yeah but you didn' get them at fucking YANK TERRITORY !
oh, poor you
kk cu.
-saw girl's volleyball and loved it

Isn't this better in Europe? ;) some nice ladies in North America but it gets boring watch them hit the ball around... gymnastics on the other hand... :D
Actually not. Europeans might be not as prude but also look worse apparently. And it also appears that Americans tend to turn fat after leaving college so I'm fine watching my highschool volleyball :)
hattt man! you are there! enjoy the stay! themburgers dont hqave o ihterestested! stop thinking bout it! your in CA, best country of tha world!!!
canada <3
"I'm here in Leslie, Michigan"

Are you dumb? :DDDD Michigan is in United States of America, n1 dude! XDDDDDD
nem, that votes ares stpupif
i cannot understand ur english for my life :DDD
im fckin drunk11
I AM DRUNK AND im old:(
could you try to flame snoop?
lul , i see what i did there :(
told ya canadians best!
nem, lets try to hear raps
Haha, wow. This journal is great.
I see my nation has a new member :DDD wnb ftw
Please, living there for 1 month makes me Asian. :P
hansoooo :DDD

read this :D

my uncle is back from italy from a joint operation of the airforce :D
germany participate :~D

he gave me the result of air-to-air combat :D

we owned the germany 64-4 to israel
and 2 of their 4 is our mistake xDDD

so its 64-2 to the israeli pilots :~>
fuck europe :P its so far ... LOL
you are pretty close to me! im in Fort Wayne, Indiana
Walk in church with one of these on:

image: kkk-robe-l

If I went to church for 2 days every week (most people go more) I'd end up doing a varg vikernes
try to do a varg vikernes on those tv preachers...
ive been to america 5 times,drove across it, even lived there for 6 months in new york. fucking hated it, i discovered.... its full of americans :(
The only place I want to visit in USA is Yosemite :)
Your Armish?
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