fs_game etpro & grey screen

for some reason, if I try to start et with +set fs_game etpro to load straight into etpro (whether it be from batch, camtrace, server browser), I get a grey screen and nothing happens and I just have to kill the process

any ideas? It's annoying ;_;
I got it too, reboot helped :)
Doesnt a grey screen = stuck on pb getting connection from server?
No, its related to the gfx.
snb is representing everything that is wrong with et
had that too... reinstall
i never installed in the first placed, just copy pasted my et folder like I usually do
if it really bothers you, reinstall or dl one of those etpacks... I never found out what's the reason for that error, but it worked again with a new installation
got that same, So I deleted the "intro movie" thingy :D works fine now.
cl_autoupdate 0?
Q: fs_game etpro & grey s... by Meez
A: cvar reset or remove r_lastvalidrendered from all your cfgs!
Delete ur profiles folder (etpro) and create new
SNB for EC gold. :)
i got same once, i just reinstalled et :p
reinstallation = solution to life's problems
I guess your etmain config is not the same as etpro.

When you load et main, the config loads the working gfx settings. If you then load etpro any not working gfx settings are ignored, but start directly in etpro and you got no failsafe and the game crashes.
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