Jobs :(

Ok, ive been for 2 job interviews in the last 2 days and they said they would call the next day to let me know one way or another if i got the job or not...

I'm still waiting, fucking wankers.
get back to the street corner then!
you wont get them!
I could get you a job at halfords (not a joke) if its only part time.
Yes its only PT am at college
A lot of fit birds there!!!!! il see if i know somebody thats knows somebody thats knows somebody else thats knows somebody thats works there
don't fall for the trap, he'll make u wash the floor :D
No, he will be building top of the range bikes, or fitting car radios or car batteries, selling satnavs and the list goes on......................................
Dude, washing the floor is cool, I do it part time too. Though I don´t do it with my hands, I go wruum wruum around the place.
now you made me wanna wash floors :(
They never reply Mr Skydeh, I really I hope to get this job at Game, just to be a right pain in the bellend.
So do i, but its taking the piss... i pwned my interview hard.
not making too good 1st impressions? :P
I was fucking pro in my interview, there was a load of fucking goons there!
:P they thought you're too good for that job ^^
Must be :D

Was in a game shop aswell, 25% fucking discount :D
should've said straight away that you own at ET, you looked like you have a life and they didn't want you :P
take a hint , anyway normally if u get the job they tell you to start the next day or sometimes that very same day..
leaving now for a job interview.
Tesco is getting pretty picky these days by the looks of it!

Lol in with the low blow
Shit one u fucking mong
I guess he could always start writing for sk-gaming if they end up rejecting him.

That makes a lot of sense!
Both probably ask about the same from the people they "employ".
Completely agree!
they always do that...its hard to compete v. good @ job interview...well, actually it isnt..once ure good in it, ull be the man..but till then it can be hard for your confidence etc..just like with girls ;-))

good luck and keep it up! im searching too...though i have a pretty good job, but i want more money...i should get a call on friday...oO :D
meh, where I come from, u apply for 120+ jobs, get 7 interviews, and if they tell u they'll get back to u the next day, apply for 120 more jobs cuz u aren't getting any of those 7...
I take part in a battalion as the Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant. It pays off quite well, especially when your battalion has come as far as to beat the almighty vicious and evil in an important Enemy Territory EuroCup match and rapes clans like TLR in pracs. Did I mention there are African-Americans? Yep, there are.
"important Enemy Territory EuroCup match"

My sarcasm meter exploded. Was it supposed to?
Are you trying to say EC matches aren't equal? You remind me of that Mztik punk that ruined an entire EC with his lame attitude thinking only 'THE BEST' should be allowed to play EC and the rest should fuck off. They forfeited all their games because they knew they would've gone through the group stages anyway. Are you trying to revive the drama that demonic team has caused in that particular EC?
You remind me of that Mztik punk that ruined an entire EC with his lame attitude thinking only 'THE BEST' should be allowed to play EC and the rest should fuck off.

Well I certainly don't think EC should be some random 1-day cup... look what that attitude did for the last EC, ugh nobody cared anymore after a while
they always say they will ring u! never happens
call them :o
No No No thats the worst thing to do hear trust me lol
we shall do it here or at least me have positive experience with it :/
Well where are you from and what type of job was it Oo?
germany and tax advisor assitant :D
but they were like hey yeah she wants to know how its going on, she rly wants this job
lol, yeah maybe maybe remember london is the place full of moany gits
i need a cheap place to sleep in london. me wants to do shorttrip to visit some clubs ;)
I have a bunk bed and one's is empty and i have been out clubbing everyday this week apart from last night perfect match!!. /q me @ irc YCN`starzi
Why not? D:
Why not its shows you’re a bugger boo, plus if they wanted you they would have called imo calling them would but embarrass me
Doesn't it show that your keen and eager to actually get the job?
OR it could show your 1 annoying person thats keeps on calling
Well it would only be the first time i called so... :D
Go ahead they will tell you the same thing "we are discussing the applicants now, we'll be in touch"
Least it shows im interested :D
They know that lol thats why you applied!!
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