the number 1337

hi guys.

i'm wondering since every fucking where i look there is this number 1337. To day i was in a math class and i was fliping pages and when i look on the book it said that next math stuffy was number 1337 then i went to the toilet nd sum1 had writen his phonenumber guess what it said 6951337 and i was laik wtf? then i went to my apartment since im in a Boarding school or w/e u call the thingy's like in those american movies. anyways i was in my room and sat down @ the computer and was just surfing the inet, then i took a look @ the clock and ye the clock was 1337 i mean what the hell is happening ;o

bytheway im not joking this is how my day went, and my question to u guys have u experienced this 2, and if ye then how did the next days go :D ?

and ye flame on with my english :d i can speak it right but when i start writing it, it goes shity :o)
youre simply 1337
wow!!! just amazin.......
I checked the clock today and it was 1337!!!
watch the movie 23 :D its happening to you with 1337 :o(
That "number 23"- movie was pretty weird :D
22:22 is the same weird number for me :/
hmmm i got this but not with 1337 number , with some other stuff :)
ye but this is not the first day like this it happens to me nearly every day thats why i wanted to write a threat about it couse it's geting weard :D
1337 = Elite in gamers talk, it's when someone is really good at a specific task.

Example. omg what a 1337 shot.

1337 is a really common number just get used to it :), nothings happening just coincidence.
seriously, when you see 1337 you think about leet? :x
im like omg
Imo you're spending too much time in your basement
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