New website open

Finaly after hard work with Chaos, we finaly managed to do a new site.
From the creator of - Chaos and Awir presents:
totally awesome dude to bad everyone will forget about it again once it's tomorrow
Yea true, add to favorites, getting new link as soon as possible, runned out of money, and cant pay :< but all old members will be rediricted to esport site so np, besides, we are top #1 on google for search after et configs and other keywords ;)
Too much eSport in the site, not interested.
very nice site , gj m8
seems to be an awful lot going on for a new site, might of been better starting with a few games + forums before covering so much so it looks less like a ghost town
Yea true, but we are searching for new moderators and such things, so the site will keep running :)
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