another cc5

Good morning early birds,

i got some questions for guys who have been at cdc before

how far is the closest coffeshop from cc5?

is it allowed to smoke while playin?

is it allowed to smoke weed while playin or inside?

who is going to have a bigger amount of weed than me?

random pic:

image: page1_blog_entry25_1
I don't think you're allowed to smoke weed in public areas. I think you can only do it in coffeshops (without tabac these days I heard somewhere) or at home.
Stop hanging around with these deuchebags on this site and sleep. I shall go wait on the bed.
is there one coffe shop around?
dunno, atleast not @ CDC4, but you can buy some weed in the city of the airport most likely (schiphol --> go to amsterdam and voila) and no you can't smoke inside but you can outside
thx cya around
In the Netherlands it's allowed to smoke weed you idiot :x
CC5: not inside the building, but outside is allowed
Learn to read.
not if the police comes retard
ye you can know live in.....belgium....

smoking weed isnt allowed outside, only at home or in the shop.
you can't smoke inside
werent cigarettes allowed??
weed not true
next coffeeshop 1 trainstation (~10min]

and hi :DDD
I think it wasnt allowed to smoke anything inside :l
hey squalliiii <3
but i remember smoke everywhere :p
also it wasnt allowed...
Ok, let me put it on other words

Only retards smoke inside
have u tried hotboxing at all? :)
Well i don't smoke
oh, good job :) take care of ur body
HA you see not every1 is so stupid to smoke! :D
why the hate :(
thx for the usefull comment i hope that coffeeshop got some good shit like isolator to make adi puke :D
i was so stoned last time that me was only maybe 10% of my trip at the lancenter... thats why im travelling alone this time :P
i gues ill be as stoned as fuck, but there should be some pizza store or döner or mcdonalds or whatever to limit my stonedness
there r!!! mcdonalds, hotdog, frenchfries. all! supermarket! its nice lil town. i like it :D
only thing is its winter :/ bt otherwise its rly cool to stay.
i love it when i come back inside from smoking weed then i get even more stoned dunno why but i can remember it was like that when i went to school (betonung auf when)
yaya goood old times eh^^ ;)
omg im excited now to go there. looking forward to see all again. overdrive , m!das oh ya was funny though.. :p
we should roll one togetha with other et stoners
i hope so, ill be that guy with red eyes :D
its not that lil, Enschede
lil enschede
big berlin

:DDDdd for me it is sry
Well i saw some ppl smoking inside at cdc4 but just cigarettes, don't think its allowed now tho.
there are coffeeshops in Enschede, just walk from the trainstation to the church, take some small streets, and you will find them easily.

I don't think you can smoke inside.
it would be possible with vaporizer (no smoke) but it sucks or i dont like it
isnt it a cafe? so you can't smoke in restaurants/bars etc with the new retarded rule?
image: 1209745936963bo9

A trap, Run!
For CDC4 you could smoke cigarettes but not weed inside, however in Holland I believe now you cannot smoke anywhere inside.
True story. Same as the smoking ban in the UK, no public enclosed spaces, more than 5m from an entrance to a public place blah blah.

Also in coffee shops you're not supposed to mix tobacco in your joints, but really.. who is going to check, and who is going to complain? (But you're still a pussy if you do!)
a joint burns better with tobacco imo
good to know at least its legal to have it
I dont care if you smoke, just dont do it in my face is the general rule
no worrys sir as long as u dont come to my hotelroom :D
depends what kinda action you're looking for!!
oh then ill have to figure out something special to make TosspoT brake his general rule?
what about girls? a lot of them?
Ban smoking in the area plz, it's irritating for the people that don't smoke , if you want a cigarette just go outside, its 5 m, hate these smokefilled places, hurts my eyes

and btw

Ha-Ha Cluj
Afaik smoking weed in public areas is not allowed and recently smoking in general is banned from horeca institutes, so you'll have to smoke outside at least. But you'll get a fine at least when the cops pop up.
ive heard the police doesnt want you to roll obvious in public but if u smoke one outside they dont give a fuck!? true or just amsterdam?
Well, true mostly. Its not allowed to roll in public but as long as it isnt too obvious they cant really bothered most of the time, they have better things to do :)
ok thats cool ill try not to roll infront of some kids like <insert cf kid name here>
btw how much are marlboro there?
ehmm, well I dont smoke myself, but I believe a package of cigarettes costs around 3-4 euros here, could be be a bit higher, but no higher then 5 at least.
same as in germany ffs
it's cheaper than in Germany. At least last time you were able to get a Bigpack for 3,50€ out of the machine. Also the machine takes everything from 10 cent :D
nice good to know thx
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