New DS!

Wooo!! 2 Cameras, Bigger screens, Music player, SD slot, New online modes, DSi Shop (Buy GBA, GB etc games)

image: dsi-2418_screen

image: dsi-1060_screen

image: dsi-4046_screen

Although, it doesnt look as sexy as the DS Lite. The hinges look a bit shit and it just looks shit :D Although the features are nice
Its still a DS :(
looks nice ... even tho i hate the language :D
looks like it was made in a sweatshop
Pfff, I just bought mine some months ago... I can listen to music and watch films, but I want a camera :<
i hate it when you buy something and some time later there is something cheaper and better :(
I bought original DS 1 month before DS lite, was well pissed off when saw it was released.
lol I bought mine 2 years ago, such a blast with it, im tempted to sell it and buy the new one, but the wait is kinda long, and I Will miss that little gadget @_@, I'll guess I'll just save for the new one..

And I have mp3 player, msn, internet broswer and whatnot, but since my cellphone its a way more portable, so I dont need it XD
Yeah I thought about selling mine and buy the new one too... But mine is edition "Crimson black" and I like these colors :<

Btw can you connect to MSN with your DS ?
yeah but its not working anymore the program is Beup, but the official site is down, but I've heard a group is working on fixing it.
Yes I tried with Beup too, and I thought you maybe know another program. But it's great if they are fixing it :)
I know, the thing is that msn changes servers every once in a while, beup used to be updated because of that, but since the site is down, everyone is waiting for that group to fix it @_@
Well, let's hope they make it :)
I have so much more fun with the DS than with the PSP
Idd, even my psp died(wasent even downgraded), like if it were a freaking 360 ¬_¬, but unlike my 360 I lost the guarantee ;__;
love ds <3 pisses all over the psp
still ds with cam :DDD
old , was annonced 2weeks ago .
Er, no it wasnt you fucking idiot

Was only announced this morning at the Nintendo Q4 Press conference in Japan

Moron alert
sorry but in the french site it's announced since 2weeks, moron alert.
They are obviously wrong about many things, being french. You fucking prick.
still , old . Moron alert.
According to JeuxVideo... It says News Date 2/10/08. N1, you cock.
That says nothing about a new version actualy being released.... Your an idiot, dont bother replying to me.
please, i know my language better than you .. shut up :D you'r useless .
Lacking English skills.
Ye, but not French ... Sorry. You fail ... Why you want to be right when you'r wrong? Just shut up lol.
It wasent announced, it was just a rumor about it being announced soon, nintendo denied it but it was then announced today, so gg with your "old", it wasent shown until today ^^.
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