mIRC for a long time

How long have you been using mirc?

image: mircdagen1
263 days surely it lies :P
i reinstalled few times, i have only 325 days now
468 days
 [•] Error: Cannot join #3on3.et : [ you're banned ]
nothing strange...
Reinstalled it sometimes. :(
364 tommorow it will be one year !!
2400? watafak
so u never did a format or buy a new computer in more than 6 years?
a year or smth
2400 days with this damn "continue"? wow.
yeah, really annoying so I cracked mirc XD
You stole my idea :<

336 days
you prolly changed the date at your comp :D
its says right in dutch: donderdag 2 oktober 2008
6 and half years? O_o

seems unlikely if you play games with that pc, cause it should be so out of date.
Nice having new version of mirc with over 6 years of using :)
something about 900 with current,even though I have used irc(-galleria) more than that
253 days with this, other comp had 900 days last time i checked
1337 days
what is that?
It looks like you've been using mIRC for 831 days.
[meez@atlantis ~]$ uptime
15:28:08 up 111 days, 16:25, 6 users, load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.00

I guess that's how long I've had irssi running for now. How long have I spent on IRC in total? Well I started when I was 9 or 10, so 7 or 8 years.
572 ; (
image: mirc
Computer time change to win!
375 days
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