Do i need a new pc?

My fps is getting worse and worse, sometimes i can play normal, but half the time it drops to 30-40 on any map but braundorf (and supply somewhat). The weird thing is that its somewhat playable if my ET has been running for a longer period. With this lag my sound starts to skip and is full of static. Like thats not bad enough my ping likes to jump up to 700 for several seconds.

Is my pc getting too old or could it be infected with a virus, considering i got both fps drops as lag i dno which one :/? If i cant fix this, im quitting ET till i got money for a new pc (never :d)
Ow and i close down all unnecessary background progs when i play. Putting my ET at higher priority seems to help abit.
When was the last time you reinstalled windows with a format?
1,5 years ago would be my guess
reinstall with format, be happy
Will a long install of XP do this? :/
Ive read somewhere that u need a reinstall like every 6months, but i dont want to reinstall unless im positive thats what making my pc act like its trying to launch itself.
check processes while you run ET and see what eats up your CPU. How much free space on hard drive? How much RAM is usually used when you run ET? Putting some more RAM in your box can fix the problem for a while. The best option is - format.
If i minimize to check, ET takes about 66% at most, but could be that it takes more % at some points. I think the limiting factor is my CPU or the fact that i have an onboard soundcard. Tried disabling sound, but nothing happened. I might try a format i guess.
Onboard soundcard cant affect the performance, unless some software is polling it somehow.
I do have some kind of prog running in the background called SoundMAX control panel. Came with the motherboard. Thanks for the help btw :)
SoundMax is ok. np.
I'd recommend to format, at least it's worth of trying. 18 months for winblows is quite much, even if your pc is clean from boogeymanz and stuffz
after 18months i can imagine my pc getting slower, but this is quite extreme isnt it?
well hey, we're talking about winblows here :P
true, the lack of competition makes windows windblows indeed:/
we're sooo doooomed

np: Electric Wizard - Funeralopolis
Format :XXX 1,5 years is way too much for windows
thats why u lots vs those fintards.. but gl with it crook <3
Its playable on braun though, so there i did good. Adler was impossible to play :D
3o3s are doable half the time, but 6o6 is a nightmare;
restoring point?
I didnt change a thing. It just started going downhill.
thought you went to bed, nerd
lol seems like you got the same problems like me, crookie :P
we should try dunnos proposition :D
i also told him to format :(
well i already thought about formatting, but i'm too fucking lazy :< and i need to search my win cd at first aswell
ps: my windows is like 2 years old 8D
lol 8D
believe me your only chance is to format :D
think so too,in the past i had like atleast 100 fps stable, now i'm glad about even 72
i might ye, but its such a hassle :(
again you act like me,stalker! :P
i'm to lazy to format my pc aswell :<
hehe, i would also need an external hd for all my movies/series and stuff :P
same goes for me,tho i can borrow one from a friend of mine :p
me 2. already tried to format. everything is normal at ettv.. its because of that shit thing called pb :\
If it worked before it's most definately software related. If you can't think of anything else, format c: and be happy :)

Or even better, get linux ;)
heard ppl who had linux, only made et worse !
less fps :~>
Compiz slows down other 3d rendering a bit, turn it off before gaming.
And also, the nvidia driver for linux doesn't have any possibility to disable threaded optimization :(
im not impressed by your knowledge so stop

: )
So whenever "you heard" stuff you don't care about the reason as long as "you heard" it? :D
yes :D

but look you told him to install linux
and i want to add that it might make the problem worse !

he need to know everything before he make a decision !
Well, you have to give reasons for your statement!
But know that what you said is in most cases not true, and given that i _think_ i have a little more linux experience than you have i could easily beat you in an argument ;P
i just wanted him to know that linux could make it worse :(
I sincerely doubt that ET will be running on LESS than 40fps on that hardware on linux..

I had 71fps stable on Geforce 4 TI and Athlon 2400+ and 512 mb ram, no problem at all.
but this is HIM !!!
Why should it be different for him?

*awaits reply to see if you want to flame crook or me*
it gives more fps-.-
because its lighter thats possible
but some have troubles with it :d

beside im not sure he would be able to master it :(
format and dont install useless games like WoW etc :D
lame edit, i had the perfect reply ready :(
what a shit pc
should be more than good enough for ET :o
Maybe, but definitely not enough good for PB :>)
he's a crook in the skies
maybe its time to change bot :D
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