How to rob a bank, successfully!

protip: Use Craigslist

discuss and/or lol

Quote"I grew up in LA and I never heard of anything so crazy in my life," said resident Sarah Vazquez.
you try it first and if you don't get bk to me i know why :D
Small town news, prolly took someones candy money. Besides, it was not a bank robbery...
it's an armored bank van that carries money from branch to branch , so in the end its the same as robbing the bank .... d000h
wth is a Craigslist ?
Craigslist = less known version of eBay
sort like ebay if i am correct
Check for yourself:
free ads
at first i was like :|
but then i lol'd
that Sarah Vazquez looks and talks just like my english teacher :XDASDASD
There was a convicted bank robber in my work, he was hilariously stupid and didn't think it through before hand. He served 2 years out of 7.
He went into a bank with a knife, tape (with the plastic still on it :D) and a handgun, walked through the doors and got rugby tackled by one guy, then 7 more jumped on him :D
The funny thing was, he was £140 overdrawn for buying the gun, tape and knife. When asked what he was going to use the tape for, he said 'To tie the bastards up if they didn't cooperate, which was funny when the tape was still brand new in the wrapper :F
lol,nice idea
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