Alcohol,Drugs and Rock n' Roll
3 Oct 2008, 12:10
How was your day yesterday?
In germany we have holidays now for 2 weeks...
Yesterday we went to a party in a disco...we drank escorial!
U know escorial?Did you ever drink escorial?
Escorial Pic:
In germany we have holidays now for 2 weeks...
Yesterday we went to a party in a disco...we drank escorial!
U know escorial?Did you ever drink escorial?
Escorial Pic:
My ex lives there
may i taste a lil bit???
doin' alone is boring you know?
wanna have a dialoge between a nutty girl and me?
here's a clip of mine:
<moonrize> und was machen wir dann bei dir
<little baby>hmm da gibts sowas schönes des die meisten im bett machen wär des was?
<moonrize>hört sich gut an
374298183 (23:17:12 3/10/2008)
gehsch a net an dei handy...
»alex! (23:17:27 3/10/2008)
vll will ich enfach net tele?
374298183 (23:18:09 3/10/2008)
hasche kenner hoch kriet?
»alex! (23:18:55 3/10/2008)
bei dir nie
374298183 (23:19:45 3/10/2008)
heit widder so freundlich
»alex! (23:19:49 3/10/2008)
374298183 (23:20:30 3/10/2008)
och geeeeehhhh
374298183 (23:21:34 3/10/2008)
do warsche vor 4 stunne noch besser zu ertrahn
»alex! (23:21:52 3/10/2008)
do han ich ah nimmie an dei gesicht gedacht
374298183 (23:22:13 3/10/2008)
boah jetzt hasches ma aba gebb
»alex! (23:22:44 3/10/2008)
ne ums dir richtig zu gebbe müsst ich geld ausgebbe un dir e schönheitsop schenke
374298183 (23:23:20 3/10/2008)
geschdern hat ma de jan übrigens vezählt, dass er sei cousin mit 10 in de arsch gefickt hat un seit dem frohe ma uns ob das iwie normal is...
»alex! (23:23:48 3/10/2008)
für dich schon
»alex! (23:23:55 3/10/2008)
mit 7hottsch du jo schon schwänz im mund
374298183 (23:24:29 3/10/2008)
deiner domols leider noch net aba do gebbts bestimmt eh kee größeunnerschied
»alex! (23:26:41 3/10/2008)
größerer als du denksch
374298183 (23:26:54 3/10/2008)
ach?was denk ich dann?
»alex! (23:27:14 3/10/2008)
das was du grad geschrieb haschd du dummes stück
374298183 (23:28:30 3/10/2008)
ach, dass dei schwanz kleen is?!?!
374298183 (23:28:37 3/10/2008)
war jo nur e hypothese...
»alex! (23:29:08 3/10/2008)
mei schwanz is größer als die iq zahl deines gehirnes. und dei ganze spermie drin net mitgerechnet
374298183 (23:30:28 3/10/2008)
der war bös
»alex! (23:31:21 3/10/2008)
374298183 (23:31:39 3/10/2008)
»alex! (23:32:38 3/10/2008)
nö bös war dei mundgeruch letschdens
now i must drink more cuz im gonna fight vs powerful mage and an assasin !
they are no match for my steel witcher's blade !
i hope the mage wont summon many monsters, cuz then i will have to switch to the silver witcher's blade :d
seems like there is a vampire in your closet which control your mind !
a job for a witcher...
the inn keeper's waitress
random women in the street :D
the woman who took my friend's lute xD
you name it, i banged it :(
edit: oh the witch from the start :D
and more, i dont recall :(
even female vampires :p
lies :<
nolifed yesterday, gonna party tonight
I have stomach infection, i can eat only soup and bread, drink only water, i go shit every 30 mins and i wanna get drunked!
i see the potion starting to heal you :D
edit: bibuy going to pool :(
ye really i feel better since the 10o'clock or so...
its shit! :P i didnt saw no fairy
so some m8s didnt go with me, but into the broing club called "twentyone" and ye...drank a bit and went home @3am
did u be there?
but havent been there for quite some time now :(
i live in saarburg, do u know where that is?
merzig ~ half an hour :D
must be a shit club if they let u in...
or he got his brothers IDcard^^
fucked up now...gonna take a shower and chill a bit now..