I was like WOW!

My first experience of seeing a £50 note, from my Auntie and Uncle

image: Photo-0060

image: Photo-0061

Then I realised, hardly anywhere accepts such a note anymore :(
i see they printed your face on the back especially for your birthday.
and on the front!
i found 10 bucks on the dancefloor yesterday, GREAT SUCCESS!
was that after beating up the old woman?
no, some just noob lost em
borat style? wnb jew! :}

i found £20 on the floor once. i was like yes, success!
everywhere in england accepts a 50 pound note...
obviously you have never been to mcdonalds
Nope, in many stores they have a sign saying "50 pound notes not accepted here", one of these places, as stated above, is McDonalds. This is due to there being a vast amount of fake £50 notes in circulation.

i ll accept it
Burn that scum money, or, wipe your arse with it
not that rare lol xD
its the first one i have ever seen! its a landmark in life for me
get real and use euros
Pound sterling is win!
pound is stronger than the euro :D
No wonder... great brittain is only part of the european community when it suits them.
you're 18 and this is the first 50 quid note you've seen!? :O

you should have had a job by now.
same thing came to my mind. maybe he's be picking cherries out of his daddy's pocket his whole life.
He has a job :)
well to be honest i work 40hours a week full time and i have still never seen a £50 note.
wardy noob
il swap you for 2 £20 notes!
well in some shops here in germany they dont take 50€ notes either.

dunno if its like that because of the fact that they are also easy to fake or whatever :x
1) Mainly only large chains will accept 50 notes because of the fact change is a bitch when paying with them.
2) there are some in fake ones in circulation but no more then other notes.

Its mainly the shop not wanting to use all its change up on one customer.
Quotebecause of the fact change is a bitch when paying with them.

I like your style of writing
can i has it?
I can give you change in 5 pound coins np.
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