Ok, so TosspoT with his "all finnish people are 3 years older" idea got me thinking.

Why do we not count the 9 months that we were in the womb and add it to our age? Seems kinda stupid that we only count the years/months that we were out of the womb, instead of counting the time that we have existed. SO WHY!?!

Random pic:
image: omg-wtf-knock-first

» You cannot post two journals in a row that fast.

And wtf, my other journal was posted over an hour ago!!!!

Shoutout to Ireland Flushje as I'm working hard to make CrossFire more interesting for him!
United Kingdom Shoutout to stKz who is still in the womb and
United Kingdom wArdy who is getting fucking old

EDIT: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_Asian_age_reckoning

I'd like to thank Nugis and Kiewan for this little gem!!!
I raised my sens 1.2 -> 1.8 and Im owning 100x better now
in some countries they do that
what?! Really?
I think it's still being used in china
But don't they kill half of their children that are born?
not really, most parents are aware that they will have to pay a gigantic sum of money if you have more than 2 babies in your family.
but ofc the government is taking extreme measures to control the overpopulation
remove that pic please
there's somekind of a rule about how many they can have per family, but i haven't heard that they'd go around killing them.
Yeah they have a one child policy. But I've also heard that some children get thrown in the trash/killed if they are not wanted in china. As many of them prefer having a boy than a girl, so sometimes girls get disregarded.

hmm i know that ur child wish has to be accepted by the state but there are opportuities to bear a child "illegal"
u can keep a boy but not a girl, that's what i've heard
Yeah, families prefer a boy over a girl. As men are thought to be a more powerful and dominant gender.
it's not about if family likes it, it's about politics that say so
And there u go very very wrong,

In China a family is allowed to have 1 child. That is way some parents kill their first child if it is a girl, because (they think, I'm not saying this is true) a boy can work harder and is stronger then a girl and therefor can start working at younger age => faster and more money for the family
its all for the army
good question - i have no answer ^^
I guess some guys on crossfire already counted those 9 month in their profile age!
9? 18 at least
interesting point my dear appleboy, but who cares? im 18!!!!!!!!!
Cause theres no way of knowing when you were conceived?
Be a bit awkward asking yer Mam that one.
But, how do they know that your like 4 months pregnant and all that stuff. So they must have a rough idea.
like they know the exact day....

if u were born on 15.09.09, your "new" birthday must be 01.01.09-30.01.09
Well they should sort their priorities out tbh. Like some of us working hard, playing scrims all the time, putting our life at risk, and they cant even find out when i was conceived? Lazy :D
i dont know about you, but i remember that day like it was yesterday
It was yesterday ...
I wasnt born yesterday!!!! :D
why not also to add random time since when spermatozoon appeared in the testicle?
thats not more as 1 day -.-
Because legally, you aren't actually a person until your mommy squeezes you out of her minge.
Your classed as a person afaik around about 24 weeks (correct me if i'm wrong) maybe sooner, due to abortion being illegal after this time as it counts as murder
It isn´t a murder if you accidently abort under 12-yo with a crowbar.
that's something different, and a bit of a grey area.. in the UK anyway.

If you stab a pregnant woman killing her and the baby you're only guilty of killing the mother
I remember that freak bitch (from the club)
Pff. Snarf arf.
have no clue what ur talking about
I dont get it
ok, your in the womb fir 9 months-ish, so on your 20th birthday, it would make sense to be 20 and 9 months. Because you have been in existance for that extra 9 months.
Birthday motherfucker, birthday!

Why should we add those 9 months? It's about how long we've been in this environment.

Pretty pointless to discuss about this. You could also say you were existing in your dad's testicles, couldn't you?
Well call it something else. And no, sperm is not the same as a child in the womb. So don't be so arrogant :)
Well, yeye I was overacting. :p I, however, think that it shouldn't be added to the age of people, it's also pointless.
Thanks for your opinion and i dont think it should be added either, just wondered why it isn't even considered :DD
maybe because it makes no sense?
I sleep in a drawer
ffs why u dont count from the point u were swimming in your dad's guts and your mom dropped a egg in her womb. :x
And why dont say someone is death when his body is gone...

start thinking about some serious problems instead of useless crap like this...
stfu, more important than most things on crossfire. So please, don't read if u don't want to. Prick.
so now i m a prick because u start the most stupid discussion ive ever seen?
I'm glad that my comment to squal has inspired such debate
you just started another dilemma on xfire :/
what is all this about?? explain
OMFG apple,
the code for the davinci code cryptex oemfg
if they'd add the 9 months to your age, would you still call it your birthday?

happy ''you were conceived'' day?
Time for another debate! Start it! GOGOGOGOGO :DD
FFS IM 18 NOW111111111
Your age is taken from your Date of Birth
Yeah, but I'm not talking about the "date of birth" thats irrelevant. It's the point of why is it taken from then and not when you were conceived.
with this 9 months i would be 18 now :o

but pedro is right, it's the date of birth
Exactly, same here. So I want it to be inforced! SPREAD THE WORD! start adding 9ish months to your age and then sorted :DDD
but with adding 9 months i would lose my youth and would be a grown up person :( (in germany you are at full age with 18)
Wondering same
in some cultures they actually do that :o
because noone is exact 9 months old when he is born

you see , everything in this goddamn society has to be precise
Well dont forget that your not born on exacly 9 months. what about premature babies?
their the extra special 1s who dont grow old!!!
I'm more interested in the all finnish people are 3 years older thing, wuts that
You are really 20. Go out and celebrate now! Go on, your free, go! :D
Would not be easy to find out my "bangbang"day
u should also count the time when half of u existed in your dad's testicles (and what u were before that)!
because then u wpuld have different birthdayzzZ! and im out of the womb, tyvm!
hi killerbois fake account
So it would be like Date of cum or something?
When I asked people in africa about their age they had to think for several minutes to find out what age they were.. :D
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