Playstation 3 Convertor

Can anyone recommend a good Convertor that changes HD videos so that there playable on a PS3 i want to watch 300 on my big TV :<
network stream? not sure what the ps3 is capable of - although, if it can't do what my xbox has been doing for the past 5 years or something then I will probably laugh

once you convert it, it's no longer hd
Its so easy to stream to my pc with Windows Media Connect but PS3 doesnt support that...
Pretty sad yeh
Haha that's awesome. The fact that opensource coders produce better gaming console software than sony.

Although, I'm not really surprised.
Microsoft has so many more possibility's
I was referring to this :). I only have the original Xbox, although modded with a 250GB harddrive (with all my games stored on it, no need for cd's <3)
awsome :) how did you get the chip in it?
Self installed? :O
I didn't install mine, I was too young to use a soldering iron properly, Grandfather did it.

I have modded xbox's though, it's always nerve wracking :)
Oh nice =)
Looks like the PS3 is also able to connect to a pc with Windows Media Connect as several people just sait ;)
PS3 support Windows Media Connect
oh it does? :O
Didnt know that. Can it stream movies then?
I thought PS3 is able to play Bluray movies?
is it troo dat you need a hd tv for ps3?
no, you can use normal SCART/AV plugs
kk, a friend just told me its not possible to play ps3 games on a non-hd-tv..
use tversity to stream it over network
Thats why I use, you can stream videos over 2 PS3 and use your computers codecs to make it able to play on it.
It doesnt matter what you do.
Or maybe it does...
yeah i have no problem getting the file to my PS3 its the actually codec problem. it wont play it now because its an unsuported codec file. i need something that will convert it into a playble one
some codecs arent supported unless they are forced through a media server, for example. DivX videos do not work on PS3 but if you stream them. It force views the file :)
use a media server called TVersity. That is what i use, the problem is because you are running the codec from a non compatible codec either with windows media server or the playstation stored codecs.

download from here, and setup the media server to your ps3 and stream through your PC, that way you can play any codecs apart from flv / flash files

Need any help with anything can message me :)
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