
Tonight is my house warming party and one of the things we're doing is putting the music through the TV and we want to have the picture on the TV as one of those funky visual effects, such as what windows media would play when you play an mp3.

Does anyone know where I might be able to download some funky visual effects to put through the TV?

no invite no help!

try winamp visualisations or other players
ye winamp thingy, or use your computer with your tv.
the newest winamp versions have the Milkdrop plugin, it gives really nice visualisations. i can stare at them for some minutes:p

And why didn't you want to play with me last night? :'( I bet its because I'm scouse :'(
Here is some other funky idea: turn the tv off and save the energy, rather than wasting it for such idiotic nonsense.

Globalwarming is some bullshit theory. I demand to see evidence that it's happening now.
i don't mind about global warming. i think cost-effective.
I think we shouldn't be worried about saving energy for future generations, when we will be long gone ;-) Did they worry about us? No :) We should be more concerned about the problems we have now, if you get me ;-D
+1 but i just don't throw my money out of the window for basically nothing. ;-)
He doesn't get what you mean :<
I dont think "they" had so much knowledge about global warming and how important it was to save energy....
Noone has ever proved that 1 +1 = 2 either.
Global warming isn't an issue sure, but there IS proof that we are running out of sources of Energy :)
cool ones @
and they follow the music to, unlike media player ones lol
quality!!! Thanks
this effect sux plz, are there anyone who really cares about it?
the visualisation of the latest itunes is pretty nice
are you going to upload the shoutcast of inc vs highbot match? when?
connect your pc to the tv and play with windows media player? :)
wanna see pics from your house!
don't worry, a full blog that blow noorgrins emo crap outta the water will appear on Monday
You are planning on taking drugs I assume? :D
@irc ill be there!!! :p
The Milkdrop plugin for winamp sometimes crashes at the end of a playlist and you have to close it through task manager.

There are loads of thrid party plugins for foobar that you could use as well. Best bet is to try them and see what you like.
Put on MOTD
set the winamp Milkdrop plugin as background
esso essoo
Visualize this!
image: yay_for_oggling
goooooooooooood :OO
Just plugin your tv monitor to the computer and open Windows Media Player on fullscreen? :D
Hf @ your Party Toss !
hahaha :D
My brain just showed me an image of you and your mates all sitting infront of a tv showing media player effects.. :D
Buy a Xbox 360... when you play music tru the xbox you got some cool visuals...
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