mx518 disconnecting

my mx518 i bought 5 months ago is disconnecting. you think this is an internal problem? or what the fuck boys, this aint right!

EDIT: Mystery solved! When you bend the part of the cable close to your mouse it will cause your mouse to disconnect. This indicates it's a cable problem. Read this journal for solutions. np
Razer ftw
im on my 6th copperhead they aint any better
Must be the user ;-)
think it is actually im left handed and use it slightly awkward! Now on this one my mouse1 isn't clicking properly! :<
I'm a leftie, I like playing with my right tho ;D
but you r using mx518 for a long time now, why did it never die for you?
maybe its because he is a maus! so he understands them better and they never die!
i had 3 mouses in 5 months, mx 518, g5, razer diamond shit ...
the secret is buy a new one, get some tape, make sure ur cable cant be stuck.
problem solved
you mean tape the mouse to the table? well i just put my right speaker on it, works too :)
jep thats it
I have my razer DB now for 3 years with a 6 month's break in it with a logitech G5 which isn't working on this pc so I have to use my razer :) and it's still good.

(I bought mx518 but it isn't also working on this comp need to format) !
I might have gotten this wrong, but doesn't it prevent you from moving your mouse properly if you tape the cable to your desk?
enough loose cable and thats it.
check usb
i will try a different usb port
i rather check your vagina :D
theodoreeeeeeeeeeeee.!! go play the witcher!!!
tomorrow :(
i understood i must take a lil brake and be myself again
myself=sexist jokes on you muhaha !

but i rather myself=on top of you
go to ur trainer and box to get down ur hormons
tomorrow M'lady

btw you mean testosterones you silly yerman :D
nah the word was 2long2write.
my dick will be too much for you to handle :D

my friends from school want to meet me :(
i want to meet them too cuz we all gonna go to army :~D
i will advice all to go to the beach
or to a pub
what do you think mis.saskia?
i dont care as long as u leave me now allone!!!
OMG !!!

are you cumming?? :o
what image: be mAus said
smth in the wire, just cut 5 cm of the wire (from the begining of the mouse, where the wire is coming out) and past it with some scotch(?) >< or buy another one... i bought mine some days ago cuz my mouse was dead, had the same problems and I repaired it like 3 times but 4 is too much so I just bought another one.
the mouses i bought for 10 euro never did this for me even after using it for many years 8(
im going back to 10 euro mouses :D, and i will go to the logitech offices and throw this one through their window! but first i will cum on it
bah, just go back to store and tell them the problem. 10euros mouses are "ok" if you dont play games... if you do it sucks rly hard.
Open it, look at the cable take a needle and shove them in a bit (molex connector)

Then you'll prolly notice that they are quite bent, use tape or sth but make sure they are as straight as possible, if you done it right it shouldn't disconnect for a while, or ever again, depending on how good you did it.

You could also get another cable or cut it off a bit buy a molex connector and solder it.

Ask perfo
nice, thx for your help

beware of the wheel, open it carefully, look at it so you know how it goes back in. It's actually not that hard if you use common sense but I still like to warn you about it :o
Razer ftw MX518 loses it's polling rates and such, but your problem is more than likely a loose wire. Try bending the wire to see if it disconnects, when you find it, tape it so it stays there.
aha, i bent it and it disconnected, thats very cool
that's the way a 518 dies usually
not only a 518, i had same prob with 2 razers :/
constant preassure and pulling gives a lose contact between the cable and the mouse , replace cable and get a accesory that lifts up the cable and it sticks to your desk so your cable wont be strained anymore , mx518 is the best mouse without a douibt but the cable sucks
Quite a conundrum indeed!

Well the solution is complicated so I will split it into steps for you. Bear with me.

Step 1 : Phone logitech tell them the problem and ask for a new mouse
Step 2 : Receive said mouse from logitech

Guess it wasn't that complicated after all.
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