Ill :((((

I have a really bad chest infection and it's my friends 18th Birthday tonight so i havent been able to go out :(

1 good thing, my anti-biotic medicine is fucking immense. It's like the greatest tasting medicine evah!!!!
get well soon!!!! ;)
mr.baker :(

he is lying !
I never lie to dean :D
no no
the admin :O
is lying :(
i can make you a potion which be better than your witch hag anti biotic ...

85 Orens and 5 vampire fangs ~!~
witcher is boring
you are lucky to be human...
i dont kill humans, only as self defense
you lie.

there is no great tasting medicine :(

Or give it to me :D
hah exactly the same =[ coughin up green shit all week :(

Antibiotics + ibuprofen + hot honey & lemon = win
i woke up this morning, and filled my toilet with thick olive coloured shite :D

Im more of the hot blackcurrent and a ton of whiskey man myself :D
Alcohol negates the antibiotics :O)
Old granny technique!
he will change body color to orange or something similer :D
Try hot blackcurrant and navy rum, if it doesn't kill you, it will help with the flu.
:( a hot nurse should treat u well now :(
anthing that has an "esther" in it should taste great
AIDS kicking ur butt .. GL
oh danke :D \o/ :*
I have stomach infection :[ its so fucking nasty, and i missed one RLY RLY big party at my friends place :[
anyway, actually there is one rly good medicine on chest shits.. i dunno its name but it was like 75% alcoholic.. man i was so much fucked up after taking 4 of that :D
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