haha .. check this!!

Listen up paranormal fags.

Nothing paranormal exists. Everything is explainable with rational science. The paranormal never holds up when scrutinized under scientific principles. Humor me, how does a ghost see? Sight is a sense obtainable by photosensitive cells in the eye. Ghosts don't have eyes so how do they see? When people say you will burn in hell but how exactly would you feel pain? Pain is a defensive mechanism that we gained through evolution. Are you telling me satan will be manipulating our pain receptors? Now about UFO's, why the fuck would an advanced extraterrestrial civilization put lights all over their motherfucking ship? What purpose do they serve? Are they pimping their fucking spaceships? Logically a space faring species would use efficient ship designs instead of flying christmas lights. Also why do UFO sightings casually evolve over the decades to match the respective description of UFO's in media such as books or movies. In the 50's UFO's were saucer shapes in movies and so where the sightings. Nowadays hollywood movies have fancy ship designs with plenty of lights and "sightings" do too.

Fuck your paranormal bullshit. There is no God, ghosts, UFO's, psychics, spirits, possessions, etc etc.

do you think he's right??

ye kinda.
but then again... how can science explain Thedor/Cohen ?!
Agree :D
That is quite the gayest ET history in the world.
i think he is a prick having too much time to care about such shit
you are just mad because hes absolutely right
UFO means "Unbekanntes Flugobjekt" , did you know ?
or "unidentified flying object" in english
it's "unidentified flying object" ;-)
gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaariiiiii !

Sup unso ?!?!
good unso ?!

and u? still palim palim et?
clar unso ?!

Joa Im still playing :P and uuuu
still inactive

where do u play? uR ? x))
Played clanless for a long time because of several reasons.
uR has opened up a new squad last week and ye, I joined 'em :P .
But in german it's the thing i wrote .
ah yeh right, sry :)
i knew..short version is because of the english term, though
i agree with him :}
ofc -.-
I don't believe in such things either, however you should not insult the people with an open mind, so he can gtfo in my opinion.

Besides, without mythology or ufo's, TV would be a lot more boring!
so all of you disbelieve in paranormal stuff?

there's alot of shit out there which we just don't want to believe or which our brain just can't fuckin handle..
Who did you quote there?
the stuff up there?

some fag wrote that on 4chan..

the comment you replied on?

i wrote it
how you would explain Poland then?!
agree on the god's part
There is UFO's !!""#¤%%!!"!#"!! For example polaks.
Yeah pretty much!

The UFO part is pretty epic
Ahhh this was fun thing to read... He is absolutely right! :)
ye, exactely, the point about UFO's.

imagine you have an uncle living in America (kinda far). You travel all the way to his house, but on the porch you stop and say, hmm let's go home again.

If aliens travelled so many lightyears to get here, and they don't make contact, where's the sense in that?
Bear Starfleet's Prime Directive in mind ;-o.
imagine you'd open the curtains in the morning only to see a ufo hovering in your yard or w/e, you'd prolly shit yourself. Now imagine this on a mass scale with all these religious cooks. I'm just saying if there are extra terrestrials that have mastered some sort of anti gravity propulsion or any other with means to get them places that get them distances that seem impossible with our physics model I really don't think they'd just come here and act all like they own the place, scaring the shit out of people and so on.. and also look how many murders and violence we have here, if I was an alien that has advanced technology and with that an advanced culture I wouldn't wanna come down here until we at least all stop waring each other and letting thousands of kids starve to death every day ...
"If aliens travelled so many lightyears to get here, and they don't make contact, where's the sense in that?"

If they were as advanced enough to travel it's likely that time wouldn't be much of an issue to them. They would live much longer and would possess technology which made the journey quite short.

Time is a construct which has no actual meaning. It's a tool to link things together.
he is thinking too rational. i dont believe either in UFO's, ghosts and hell, but i think there is something supernatural out there, something everyone got to experience by himself, which is hard to describe in words/pictures and thats why its not researchable by science .
well said..

i think the same!
not researchable by conventional science*
So, what other kind of sciences do exist?
Well ehh... non conventional science? :P
There's a fire-breathing dragon living in my garage. And just because the dragon is invisible, floating in the air, incorporeal and the fire heatless doesn't mean it's not there.
Has anyone seen my pink elephant? He was sitting next to me just a second ago. Hmm.
gotta love those invisible monster examples.
You don't believe?
retarded way of seeing things...
Former British Ministry of Defence employee Nick Pope says there are shitloads of UFOs in UK airspace every year. Beware.
so are there no dragons?:<
To quote Sock, looking at /b/ is like looking four hours into the future and seeing the Crossfire Journals section.
yes he is!
the ufo thing has so many angles.

who says that some alien doesnt need a christmas tree to see something from their ship - or the light emits their type of oxygen... he is fairly right but he is still narrow minded.
agreed, except for UFO's.

the universe is too big and earthlike planets are too common, so i believe there are other lifeforms out there.
You've to understand that "conventional science" is an abstract construction. It was created to understand and explain the "paranormal" of the ancient world. Religion served exactly the same purpose (to an extent). It still does. Both require equal amounts of faith.

The 'problem' we've is our system of measures was constructed (and thus limited) by our perception. While the human mind is without equal (on earth). Our sensory organs are not. Every organism samples information using its sensory organs and transmits it into behaviour and responses. Most are unconscious reactions. For us, we're able to control our behaviour even when it goes against our basic instincts.

Can you see the problem when multiple systems of abstract thought are spun together to explain something? Your understanding of gravity is learnt through language (#1), speech (#2), signs (#3) and the system itself is based on human perception (#4) and limited by our planet (#5). Five, perhaps even more, intellectual constructs which bare no direct relation to the real world or its reaction (of the process being explained, in this case gravity).

And, just to confuse the situation even more; most theories are based on probability. We accredit legitimacy to things happening most of the time. And, things that have happened already.

Externalising our measurements beyond human perception is the first step to explaining anything properly (some sciences haven't even taken that first step). Then, we can accelerate and improve our "base abilities" through genetic re-engineering. It could take a lot longer (or not at all) if we left it to nature! We look at the relationship between

While science is good. It's by no means perfect. Scientists can't for example explain how a cat purrs. I went to a doctor two weeks ago and he gave me a prescription, saying "we don't actually know how it works...". Something as simply as that still confuses us.

As for religion, there's something quite interesting about the idea of a collective consciousness binding us together. No matter where and when humans grew up in the world, each civilisation had and placed great importance on religion.

Perhaps religion is an instinct born from a certain level of intelligence and self conciousness. A sort of perception tool used to control and maintain our position within our species (a construct which predicts/teaches not only reacts). After all, we don't jump into a fire because our "system" processes heat beyond our threshold. Religion teaches us to behave in such ways as to prevent pain and suffering beyond our threshold (from our own species). It's a defence mechanism essentially.

Eventually humans will debate about living in theory (externalising ourselves from our organic bodies) or a limited (albeit perfect or god like by today's standards) organic state - destined [eventually] to die. Which is essentially one of the fundamental debates in religion - mortality vs. immorality.


If you don't believe in UFO's you're probably so enshrined in science that you're without hope. If human history has taught us anything, its that the world is not flat and we're not alone.
He's retarded..
edit: i see, nerds are retarded too...
god exist
ufo exist
paranormal things exist..
cmon please read some books from erich von daniken.. he prooved that aliens was on our planet like 5000 b.c. and such stuff as they know electricity and stuff..
read something before making ur opinions.
i dont think you are any smarter.
getting information before you can form an opinion is right, but in this case it seems like you just adopted the opinion from erich von daniken.
besides that its pretty nice that you do know that god exists, many people still arguing about that.

maybe i just got a wrong impression of your post..

those extreme views telling you either that there is no way that god/ufos exist or there is no doubt that he/they exist.
if god exists, then it's female.

5000 b.c there were egypts, inkas, mayas .. which were far smarter than us today..

are you telling me they got all their shit from aliens and all of a sudden some fuckin religion fuck told the egypts that there's only one god to believe in and they all of a sudden declined all the stuff they've build, they came up with and all that?

that's bullshit and i'm allergic against bullshit.

erik fag daniken is a nice story teller, but he never proofed that there are other living beings out there.

now check this out .. they found proof that MARS had or has water on it, right?
but it's freaking cold up there.. right? ... just do some math .. could it be that a meteor once hit mars and pushed it out of it's path thus moving it far away of it's only heater, the sun. IF SO .. could it be that there has been living beings on mars?

i don't believe in a god but i do believe that there are paranormal happenings, there're still other lifeforms out there or even here on earth, that you can move an object without touching it ..
I understand what are you talking to say, but actually he really proved something of his things.. and about aliens, who the sayed that they are on mars or our solar comple
x? In 197x there was a conference of best scientists and stuff and they calculated that there are in space we know sceptiacaly 300 habitated planets or probably 200.000..
and who says that our things for living like heat, water and stuff, what says that its the only one? there can possibly be some live which can live in 300 degrees of celsia or can eat xxx.... i hope u got my point..
yes ofcourse there COULD be live forms being able living with 300degrees and stuff.
but, like all do, i took ourself as an exsample. we came out of bacteria which were in the waters on this planet. very small lifeforms.. so if there's a planet with ice only or -300 degrees, how would it be possible to even move as a bacteria?

it might move a nanometer in 200 years or what? ;-)
yes i see you are too sceptic to even imagine thats true.. you are afraid of true..
(lol dont take it as i am actavist that say that the all stuff is true.. maybe yes maybe no)
nah i ain't scared of the truth.. i'm just using my logical sense and brain.
if there might be lifeform living in -300 degrees areas.. how would they move?
and 300degrees is surely possible, no doubt! .. but being as agile and all that as we are?

i don't doubt anything, i just think it wouldn't be as easy to walk or move for them as it is for us.

but then again, they might just hover around .. who knows ;-)
Quotegod exist paranormal things exist..

brb laughing
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