
I need to interview somebody for 30 minutes. The subject is drugs. ( i dont know if this guy ever did drugs or not)
I can't think of any more good questions, so thats why im asking if YOU know any good questions.

I would be very thankfull for any help.
Why young people use drugs? Is it because they want escape the reality which sucks or just because drugs are cooooool ?

you are on fire! go on go on..
I srsly have no idea anymore, Im sober atm.. Thats why :<
Drugs are cool.
ask about their context, if they have any friends doing drugs, have they been in contact with drugs, did they ever come in a situation where they had to say no to drugs, are they emo, ...
you only need to prepare 1 question, just ask the next one concerning his answer on the first one
ask savage he is high on E
you can interview me if you want, but i'll be back later so... :(
how mutch is an 8th of peng
Introduce yourself with some information of who you are and what you do?
Could you tell me a little bit about your "drugs exp."?

Quick questions:

fav. drugs?
What makes drugs awesome?
do you think you will die by a overdose?
do you steal money to buy drugs?
Just start the convo and ask questions like:

when did u started drugs
what kind of drugs
why u started them
for how long are using drugs
its drugs giving u a good feeling etc etc
interview me!
talk about morals, effects on self/society etc
Do you think drugs should be allowed to be used in medicine?
lol that already happens lololololol you are so out of date!!!!

EDIT: sry i forgot, it's normal: you are a jew.. :>>>>>>>>>
fuck u!
are u still playing et :?
no are you?
not untill i get my new isp
ow man i'm so hungry though i don't know what to eat.. :<<<<<<<<
eggs is the ultimate food
just try to be at least fairly objective about this subject. we all know drugs are bad and everything but try to concentrate on the positive side (i.e general feeling, being part of a social group, "trying can't hurt") rather than just mocking the use of drugs and being all distant from it, saying things like "one time will make you an addict for life". that's mainly the reason why I don't read articles related to drugs, the writers are approaching the subject from an entirely wrong angle..
another interesting question could be: "do you think the government should legalise (soft!) drugs and control the distribution of it?"

i wrote an essay about the subject, it's in dutch though :p
What was your conclusion?
soft drugs should be legalised by the government and the main reasons for that are the quality and the price for the customer, they're always the victim
I also stated that any form of hard drugs, any distribution of hard drugs, any use of hard drugs should be strictly forbidden and severely punished
my conclusion was not personal but rather based on facts.
(another important thing was that the laws about drug use and abuse should be a lot more consequent, because in Belgium, those laws really suck, and my essay was about Belgium)
When you do drugs, how much do you eat?
when, where, why, +, -, consequences, should it be allowed, used drugs, ...
do you also get a boner when you use drugs?
Why do drugs receive a disproportional amount of stigma compared to alcohol or tobacco through government legislation and society in general.
what do you think about the non-smokers policy that also counts for the coffeeshops.
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