humm3l clip?

intuqk made a clip for humm3l(intuqk my lil brother)
what do you think of it??
tell me whats good and whats bad.,10031.html

(btw:hese making humm3l zeh movie and hese making my mini movie so hese pritty bussy he can make some clips for you but not full movies
im getting an error :[

e: its working now :P its nice but the text is too big (too much space between the text)
mm shit ":(
Actually is kind of nice :-)
HIGHTBOThumM3L:you was for 2 saison not so high because to much nice gamer really nice gamer
- popup font

coulda used cam for that nade kill at the start

nothing else to rate or say tbh
fredd he asked me to asked
wich one you like?
what a lucky rifle nade when one rushed in
i only see 1 error

hese is not a word
lol what a bad frag xD
shooting once, hiding, shooting twice, hiding again... I hate this way to play...
every rifle doesn't play like this sorry =)
popups quit sucked. and he showed some sync. i cant decide about the quality.
ugly ugly font. too much glow and blur. decent colors.
name of the song?
Toby Mac - Ignition
hese @ army
hese is not a word
hese good
hese means friend or smth in spanish.. like nigger for blacks [wassup me nigger] etc.
and i liked the song and quality.
didnt like the fact that he killed 1 each time and u just kept the echo there... :P
pretty good, though i dont like ur movie cfg :<
must be a pro gamer!
Hard frags :P omfg :O
he thows a nade, uncommon? he shoots the rifle and kills 1 with a pistol while non of the enemys pays attention. i would not take this frag in, it is nothing special @all, its a rifle.

why would a make a hummel movie anyways? is he a good player?
are u known?
wtf. what do u want?
known HAHAHAH made me lol. yes, my family and friends know me. my clan knows me. the public player know me, you dont know me? oops yes thats a bad thing i guess...
hummel is a low cunt and u talk about known xDDDDD

QuoteMember For: 5 months and 26 days

yes, u may talk about known or not.
man i wasnt talking about my self, but i dont rly care about to be known, lol ...

dont be so frustated kid, u just said shit on first comment lol

ET exist about 5 years or more. yes u are registed for 1 year +- loool... noob

and like i said once, i dont need to be registed on this site to play ET

i just registed myself 5 moths ago cuz i wanted to play on some cupz and know the news and stuff xD
u just ruined every point u could have made.
u were the one to talk about "known"... i was the one to say that this is ridiculous. u just shot urself in the foot.

and just to prevent u trying to get out of the mess: yes, i play ET longer than i am registered. yes, i dont give a crap about being "known". yes, you were the one to bring up the kenta-stuff, so why blame me?

man actually i play this shit for 3 years or more. so u are talking about my acc 5 months who careS?

second, hummel is known u up sters says something like , is he good?

lool man and make joke about his kills ...
i dont joke. the kills are absolutely nothing special, nothing for a fragmovie. "is he good?" means "he sucks", welcome to crossfire. yes u play the game from the release date on, why should i care? i talk about your account because you were talking about being known and being registered on this website for 5months means: u entered the community after the game already died.
hummel is know, but when i played and when i checked this community out (before u were here) he was a low and overrated fuckface, so what now?
i say: hummel sucks. u say: he is known. i ask: why annoy me with ur senseless comments?
u are getting frustated about wht i said, and i am loling all the time xDD


i want to see u do that simple frags against TOP PLAYERS ye if is so easy.. show me then

u are the one senseless here sorry!
frustrated? telling u in a calm manner that all ur "arguments" suck and giving reasons is being frustrated. OKAY! im not gonne comment on that, thx for demonstration of brains.
and i really thought that after 3 years ET u know that top-player have the same amount of HP and if they dont shoot @ u and even turn ur back on u.....

first time for me today, but: i am atleast good enough and known enough to know that.

HAHAHHA i fucked hummel many many times u blind fanboi. suck my dick!
yep i can see ur name on TRL or MAMUT or other nices teams
u really got no clue mate. and the only thing that is worse than the sadness of ur fanboism is ur ignorance. U FAILED, mister ET 2008 is known xDDDD

and btw: i play cod4 now, idiot

ps: do you really think that everyone in this list is skilled?, worth paying respect?
imagine not a 1out of10000000 people play ,eg., poker. i am the 5000th best poker player of the world and I am willing to fit my rl to it, am i leet now?
once again: hummel was low. what he is nowadays is absolutely obsolete.
man.. wht a retard..

shut up kiddo

u play cod4 and still talking about an ET player

man stfu rly
i bet i beat u in ET and cod4, and not only concerning knowledge (that ud like to obtain years fater the actual comminuty died).
u r sad and thats the last post for you.
lol who cares if y beat me or not?

get a life rly i play for fun not for my life

kk thx bb ..
and u 1 year and 6 months LOLOL..

i was trying to make a point concerning his "known" talks. if u would use ur brain you can read: "you talk about being known (what i think is ridiculous) while being registered for 6 month (as this is one of the fav. arguments for "knowns" here)"
better to miss the last frag imo - its not part of the spree really ;]
i should be a 9man spree dont forget that is versus top players in Et so its harde to make those frags.
music is nice and sinc
call me sync master ^."
don't see anything special there, just normal rifle shooting @ CP also synchro is bad
i like the outfit (of that website)
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