Do u hobby sport?

Do u hobby sport?

What? How many times per week?

I play floorball 1 times per week, gonna go after 15 mins :P
image: 1223190038390
i fap 7 days a week
Football 4x
Football 2x
Golf 1/2x
stopped playing football 2 weeks ago...after 12 years
just started boxing again after a few months of inactivity, 3 times a week & i love it
love to watch boxing!
Motorcross 1 time a week, sometimes 7 days a week depends on tournaments
I play Golf ! Once per week
jogging/running 3 times a week
badminton 2x
fitness 2or3 x
I used to swim, practive judo & tennis every day but I stopped to stay with my little brother ;(.

But I run @ morning 2 days a week !
I wouldnt call skateboarding "sport".. but it's something where you move your body and I'm doing it nearly every day (at least in summer :< )
used to play basketball quite often too...
yea used to sk8 too 2 years ago but then quit.. now i feel like wanting to start again! it's the feeling you get when you're just on the deck and rollin slowly, just chillin - it's amazing.
yeah but it's also the challenge of learning new tricks and just hanging out with friends... I restarted skating this summer after 2-3 years break :)
yea true.. i'm thinking of getting back in the game next summer!
Before i hurt my knee I trained 5-8 times per week + games (floorball) + 3x jogging. Now i've started to go to gym and gonna start either Krav maga or Muy thai.
hmm.. football all weekends ! :D
jogging only atm ;<

in the past I loved driving enduro and lifting iron but stopped both because had no time and money anymore :(
Ye because your time went to ET and money to energydrink nerd....
handball ( 4 times per week )(serious) also football/basketball ( 2-7 ) per week ( hobby)
every day
going to the gym 2x a week. Also XMA tricking:
Gym. floorball always at thursdays :)

Sometimes football tournaments, twice a year only tho :)
1-2 gym, i played football but quited it few years ago
Icehockey 3-5 x , floorball 2x and rollerblading whenever I want to
fapping every day!
Played football for 4-5 years, quited like 3 years ago.
Nothing serious now, just want to keep myself in a decent shape.
football 3 times a week for 13 years now
4/5 times a week @ gym
and 12 hours of sport @ school every week ;d
nolife? you call that nolife plz hanging the whole day around your pc is nolife
Correct, going to the gym 4 times a week as well :)
footbal 2x/week
tennis 4x/week
fitness 1x/week
gna start football again in some months / 2x/week
football 3-5
swimming 0-3
fitness 2-3
i iz martial arts and jogging
footbal 4x week
Gym, 3 to 5 times a week. I'd like to start some sport though, lifting itself is a bit unsocial... Been thinking about playing ice hockey again, after 10 years pause. Might be fun. :)
football 3 x
basketball 4x
sex :o


no sport just my bike and me to my job every day 8km
football 4x a week for like 13 years or something
some guys of my very old team are now playing in teams from the 1st or 2nd league but i didn't quite made it :<
Football, swimming and badminton a couple of times a week
basketball 23/7+1 hour sleep :D:D
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