woudl you take xtc?

ive been partying yesterday and met some girls later on. we danced and had fun but later on they went out and took ecstasy. they told me hey try one ull feel great bla. i denied and the fact the they were taking this shit made them look pretty disgusting to me. i still had fun later on.

but now im thinking about it and maybe i should have given it a try... would you have taken the opportunity?

image: ecstasy
Sure, why not.

EDIT: You have to look if everyone else is taking it. Because if your friends are taking it and everyone else is, you have to take it too.
Wauw, what a weak attitude.
I thinko your sarcasm detector is running weak since it is monday :)
Yes.. atleast to give it a try...
Its like, if you take it, it could go wrong. And I don't even want to know how you look when it did go wrong. Try Paddo's they are way more nicer.

Anyways, your decision
erm sorry dude, but it really is the other way around
I did felt it like that :-p
ive seen some people taking xtc and paddos for the first time, dunno some dude who took x many times went pretty crazy for 2 hours. imo paddo is can be way heavier, with xtc ull feel really great from the start :D
I had the other way around, felt quite bad with xtc hda a awesome time on paddo's :D
mmm guess that can happen aswell:P how many paddos did u take and what kind?
Don't know what kind, it took me 25 minutes to eat them. They where so disgusting . When it took like 1/2 hours before it started working, felt kind of strange. I saw like snow while it was 30 degrees outside. And when I was at home, my home was like a castle :D the bricks where really strange and stuff.

Anyways I used one, and it was kind of fun! But I only tried it, i'm not planning to do it once again. I'm str8!
haha ok ye i took 8 times now, i dont find them really disgusthing but some of my friends do aswell :) but its pretty weird aswell. But if u take it the first time u have no clue how it is, since its so fucking weird, u can find it pretty scary but it wont stop :[
hahaha, I had a nice feeling. I was really in space or something. But I ain't going to use this shit anymore, its to nice and i'm afraid that if i'm going to use more that I get addicted.

Anyways, i'm off check you tommorow!

ok later:P but paddos is not addicting at all :) and u cant take it 2x in 5 weeks or sumthing cause it wont work then
you made the right choice
Quotewoudl you take xtc?

Nope, just say NO.
its ok but dont drink much alc if u taking xtc ;)
you know
this shit can make you seeing ghosts for the rest of your life
i mean, ppl got fucking crazy cuz of those
only because they tried...
+1, have too much friends involved in that dipshitn crew
really, you guys in israel get brainwashed....
don't take that shit! chemicals are stupid shit. Keep it natural!
straight edge = vegan too...

How can you live without

image: grill


@ topic: good decision,chemicals are crap!
nah im not vegetarian @__@ <3meat :]
straight edge = vegetarian

some are vegan, most are not
yes, but REAL straight edger are vegan. If they wont eat meat, to boycott the disease of animals, they shouldnt eat eggs nor drinking milk too...

a veggie sXe is as real as a vegan one
Finland crew would say now:

not bad, its funny
ask savage, he loves it :O)
it surprises me how many poeple have a wrong thinking of xtc.

xtc is known as a partydrug and works stimulating, and will give you energy for around 3-4 hours, after it you'll have to take more as you will become tired

i d recommend not to take more as 1 pill the first time, and never pay more as 3 euro.
never take it in combination with alcohol, weed is fine (will only higher the feeling of being 'space')

never take it more as once a month to keep the ultimate feeling and since it is pretty addictive for most of the peoples
what are you lolling about?
and remember to drink some water or soda while on xtc!
mess up ur way of seeing/thinking things...
imo you are welcome to fuck yourself up the ass if you feel like it
I'd wait to see how your mates reacted to the pill, don't want some dodgy shit that has K in it.

next time ask them for pure mdma and then have an awesome time ;D
Never! No drugs, alcohol, cigarette, etc. needed to feel good yourself in a party.
Sometimes it's ok to drink something, but it should never be a must!
sure, why not?
sad if u cant have a good time without knowing what your actually doing ...
u still completely know what your doing dude :]
i still wouldnt touch the stuff, knowing that you can die from taking it.
ill stick with having a few bevvies, a dance, a pizza, a taxi, another persons bed ;D
really u aint gonna die from it:Pim kinda in those groups and i never heard anyone dieing from it (but u have to trust the dealer ofc). really imo u should give it an try once in your life on a great party, its really an epic experience (my opinion at least :P) more people die of alcohol then xtc btw
maybe over a long period of time where they damage their liver ...
in the uk there has been a few people die form taking xtc
as far as I know I remember everything I've done after xtc ;)
you made the right choice
Ill try (almost) everything once :)
just dont try anything harder then x k? :D
i wouldnt
I accept only weed. NOTHING more!
you're an idiot

Why would you want to miss out on a great expierence?
well I tried it yesterday for the first time and it was fun, but nothing special lol
I wont do this again (at least not when I won't be drunk xD) but sure, you can try it. Everything is for the people ;)
u probably didnt have very good pills then:P
yea it is possible, but still I expected more
if u get your hands on good u should try it again sometime, its really fun :! and on a really good party! (nature one is in poland i think)
maybe I'll give it another try, everything is possible on a good party ;P
u should give it an try, its cool, not addicting and not dangerous
most people here have the wrong idee of xtc, i go to alot parties (every week) and once in 1/2 months i take xtc and i still enjoy parties without xtc aswell. Its just for fun sometimes
yes take it, it's good for you!
well, you should frst educate yourself (properly) about that drug, to know exactly what it is and what it could do and what the risks r when taking it, 2nd most important thing is to never take it when you dont know where it came from, only take it if your sure if its from a reliable dealer, coz you dont want to eat bad / deadly shit... xtc is an ultimate feeling, like insane love to everything (people especiallly, which can be very extreme yet funny) insane joy, energy power.. you go crazy and deep into music and blablolallala.. from my experience. but then when it finishes i got ultra depressed.. lllllllolllll.. make sure you r with people who will chill with you whole night so you wont be left alone tripping on that shit,,, best is take it with 100 people at the same time 8) bb
agree with your story ! but i have alot mates and me who dont feel depressed after the effect goes away, dont think everyone has that. same with the yaw thing i dont have that either:P best is to take the first time on a huge party imo 3000+ people:D
ye there is a lot of things that can happen, like the jaw thing, also with me i kept the jaw habit for many years after, when i was drunk i would also do it, if i was excited and drunk especially, dunno maybe today i also still hv it, haven't noticed/remebered if it went away or not and when
ye mostly drink bit before taking aswell its not that dangerous in combination with alchohol i think. and i know many people who took x but noone gone terrible wrong, and in holland u can test xtc for free aswell :) on what kinda parties do u take em(what music style)?
when I took it yesterday it was drum and bass party and i totally fall in music, it was the best part of this drug :P
ye thats the best of it imo aswell :) altough first time i just went on talking to random people (so who i dont now) how awesome it was (they wereon drugs aswell)
http://nl.youtube.com/watch?v=Ipl-pS-dYBs was here
I was in this club http://nl.youtube.com/watch?v=ekyJ8I4DKk4&feature=related but @ another party (still music was very simillar)
crap quality :P
mmm sounds quite nice actually although dont really like dnb :)
i took em a few times in my life when i was around 15-16. just together with friends in bars house parties and stuff,if i would ever take em again, i wish i could take em on a huge electronic music fest together with a lovely girl.. perhaps trance or drum n bass.. or psytrance dunno.. but with great lighting lasers flashes etc which combine with the music and fog..
yeah thats the best imo u should take it at something special, together with a girl would be really great aswell :) first time i took it here D:
http://nl.youtube.com/watch?v=Ipl-pS-dYBs (minimal techno, tech house)
the weird thing was i mostly get lost in the music i didnt notice the asweme light and fireworks >_>
yep thats it
Na i wouldnt bother with the stuff personally although I won't preach to people that do use it. As far as im concerned people should be allowed to do whatever they want to their own bodies.

I met a guy the other week outside a club who seemed pretty anxious about something, seen him later on and his female companion was telling me he had taken xtc and thats when it hit me ..." why the fuck would I want to look like that"

same can be said when seeing people who drink too much etc. its stupid.

if you NEED drugs to have fun, then i pity you...but i wont stop you:P

its not like i have to use it every time to have fun, but once in a while can be a great experience imo. But your opinion seems fair :)
no drugs, no cigar, sometimes some beer or some light alcohol coctail

This is a normal way that you should follow..
nothing wrong with experimenting :o well ye some people have strong moral issues about this but it's really not dangerous to a healthy person and it's definatley something everyone should try, opens your mind internally sort of. That's just my opinion tho :P
He doesnt even know what he takes...

I am really against drugs. I could have take steroids to make myself grow faster, but i dont use that. Whatever this is not the place to talk about it.
steroids and xtc are 2 seperate things, tho both, with knowledge can be enjoyable and yes it isn't a place to talk about. I haven't taken any drugs besides few joints in 2 years now so I'm no junky or anything :P
with knowledge its not 'separate' then..
You can use them any _probably_ nothing wrong will happen, but still...
Here come persons morals :o
Everybody who thinks drugs arent healthy. You cant say it wont effect your life beacause it does, you just ignore it and act liek you are cool and stuff.
taking xtc once in a while doenst affect your body at all its just a plain fact, same goes for some other drugs. U probably just doenst know anything about it
I thought we are talking about a way to live. Ofc he just try it once pobably nothing will happen. I dont have to know anything about it because i dont want to use. I dont know much about casinos but still i dont go there, etc.
if u just dont use to much nothing bad will happen (atleast thats my oppinion) and it fun to do sometimes
I am just being hypocrite, I smoked weed in the past and I did it because of my friends. I ust dont want to advise him to do it.
well actually i kinda respect people like u who really never use something, but i also think everyone should try it once
This felt good what you said.
I would rather smoke weed than drink alcohol. I do them both, but whenever I smoke weed, I dont drink nearly as much alcohol as I do when I'm not smoking, which is more healthy for me and I do less stupid stuff while being stoned than drunk. :d
Take half (if you're a lightweight) and when it kicks in, wait an hour and do the other half, hf.
your decision,anyway chemical drug sucks hard ;)
Lets see here . No.
Besides, since you came from a party I don't think its healthy to use xtc with booze.
Yes, for sure. If people say you shouldnt, theyve never taken them before, and there talking shit, dont dis it till you tried it etc.
But trust me they are amazing,trying it once is fine.

I dont need drugs to have a good time. I need drugs to have an amazing time.
It so hard to explain to someonee what the experience is like.

Do you know when you yawn/strecth ? You get that nice feeling in your muscles.

X100 and it still better.
If I was dieing and only xtc would save my life.. maybe yes then, otherwise no fucking way :L
you wont die, or get strange after it...but know the person u buy/get it from.
blue mitsubishi
Go natural. though, Ive always wanted to try xtc at some point of my life, but I'll wait till I get older (and till I get the chance to get pure mdma in a situation where I want to try it eg. about to go some huge rave or something with good friends)
MDMA can be pretty harmfull to your brains ( even after you pill). For example; most hppd cases are caused by MDMA(even only one pill). This disorder can pretty much fuck your life up although it is rare. Im not thinking about taking xtc at the moment cause of this risk compared to other drugs.
btw; You should definetaly stick to the 3 months rule.

I recommend you do your research on the internet (erowid.org for example) and dedice for yourself.
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