Schweins Blog #7

Good morning people,

it's Monday and my school starts again, that's why i am up so early. Im not really motivated to go to school after such a nice and long weekend, but can't do shit. The weekend was great, i was clubbing from Wednesday till yesterday!1111
Let's head over to the "interesting" part:

- VAE added some new CoD players to their Lineup readmore
- SK Gaming won the first Global Challenge in Los Angeles - zet was great, but their WoW players were better:
- Don't forget to fight me:

See you later tonight!
Have fun :p

I need too go on my Work ;o
please i cant chat with you while you are in school?
in deed, can't get irc working :/
use irssi !
doesnt work aswell
blocked by school firewall probably
nice long weekend you had there
ROFL that nerdrage video made my day :)
where is your road to becoming spawNji journals:(
it's lagging, I spent about 15-20 hours doing coverage for MYM for Global Challenge LA, so... no time for CS (other than spectating matches to do reports), hopefully it'll come back? Unless I get serious with MYM... then you'll see me on ESWC stage much sooner but not as a player... more like an interviewer :D
I wouldn't waste your time.
meh, I'm just gonna do what I gotta do @ MYM, whatever happens happens
Only four of the "website staff" are paid as far as I'm aware. Unless you become a "game supervisor" (DotA one isn't paid) or the editor-in-chief, you won't get paid.
money's not an issue for me right now, I did most of my newswriting for free anyways before
If you're even remotely serious about your writing, it will become an issue.
well obviously I gotta start out somewhere, it seems strange for me to get paid straight away, no?
I've followed your comments for a while now and I understand you're a college student, right? While eSports might be a fun distraction. I would concentrate on your college studies.

If you're adamant to 'work' in eSports, then try to write features. There's a real shortage of good writers at the moment and this is one of the areas in which you can actually get a paid position. You'll learn, if you haven't already, how to write essays and construct arguments which will help you write better features etc.
don't forget to mention that I FINALLY interviewed dendrofil xD at like 2am CET too, gg :)
stop nerdraging
you have to get up so early :o I slept till 10:00 today :) no school for me since the trains,busses aren't driving :)
Nihilum good but FtH have better Arena Team !
i would just stay at home
i was just at school to write an exam....

im back in mybed...-> ill :/
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